
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-08 09:59


In the unconscious of a traveller, Norway evokes a concept of an extreme land, of absolute north. The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland, a land that straddles the Norwegian borders to include the northern part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia. The native population is the 'Sami' who live traditionally from hunting and fishing, in symbiosis, even if nowadays in a technological version, with their environment.。





There is a large park in the centre of Bergen which is taken up almost completely by an octagonal lake, around which, lie some of the principal museums in the city.。


The Hakonshallen, the most beautiful monument in the city, lies within the walls of Bergen's fortress. Thegreat 13th century Gothic hall was built for the parties and the receptions in the days of the city's control over trade in the North Sea.。


You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere. It's easy to admire Norwegians for their unique way of respecting the nature!。


From north to south, from Lapland to Oslo and Bergen, Norwegian people has convinced us, with time, that human beings, as the most advanced yet most vulnerable in the grand family of nature, can live in harmony with all its other members.。


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