
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2020-12-30 10:12


您想要那种舱的票,Do you prefer the smoking or nonsmoking section?8您要过道的还是靠窗的座位,5Which class would you like?6您想什么时候出发,2你要什么时候的票,Sorry, all the tickets you want have been sold out?10抱歉,全部满了Sorry, t...,您要的票已经订完了,Do you prefer the aisle or window seat?9对不起,A first class,3要单程的还是往返票,4您要头等舱、 二等舱, 还是经济舱的,内容提示:NO.汉语英语1去哪儿,Where to,What time do you want,One way or round trip,a coach or an economy ticket,When are you going to depart?7您要吸烟区的还是不吸烟区的。




Could I get my seat assignment?33我想乘坐禁烟的班机I’d like a nonsmoking flight.34我想买一张经济舱的票I’d like to have an economy ticket.35我需要公务舱票I want to business class seat.36我想乘最便宜的航班I’d like to take the cheapest.37我要一张回期不定的经济舱往返票,请给我一张去芝加哥的二等机票好吗,I need an economy class open return.38Can I have a second class to Chicago please?39去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱,I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.29什么航班有座,28我要坐在飞机前部,What’s the fare to New York economy class?40我周日动身I’m leaving this Sunday.41我要乘上午的班机I’d like to take the one in the morning.42我要直飞北京的机票I need a nonstop ticket to Beijing.43我想订早些的航班I’d like an earlier flight.44我想订晚些的航班I’d like a later flight.45请订后天的航班A flight for the day after tomorrow.(1) 确认1我已经给您预订好了座位I’ve made a seat reservation for you.2我已经为您确定了航班I have confirmation of your flight.3您的座位已确认,史密斯先生Your seat is confirmed, Mr Smith.4我去查一下I’ll check it.5我的预订号码是9My reservation number is nine.6我是在东京预订的I made reservation in Tokyo.7我是昨天预订的I made reservations yesterday.8我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的航班I’d like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.9我想确认一下我预订的航班I’d like to confirm a reservation.10我想确认一下座位I need a seat confirmation.11航班号码是9月 八日AKThe flight number is AK on September eighth.12我必须什么时候到达机场When must I get to the airport?2、 确认和变更,What flights have seats available?30我想要一个靠过道的座位I prefer an aisle seat.31我想坐在靠窗的座位I prefer to sit by the window.32我可以指定座位吗。

17有饭供应吗Is there meal served?18该航班什么时候到达When is the plane do?3、 机场询问,13我得什么时候到那儿What time do I have to be there?(2) 变更1我想变更一下我的预订I’d like to change my reservation.2我想更改航班I need to reschedule my flight.3我可以更改航班吗Can I change my flight schedule?4请改成泛美航空公司的220次航班Please transfer me to Pan airlines 220.5我想变更我的回程航班I’d like to have my return flight changed please.6可能的话我想把处罚日期改回去I’d like to push back my departure if possible.7我想取消我预订的航班I want to cancel my flight reservation.8请取消这次航班Please cancel this flight.9我要退这张票I’d like refund on this ticket.10这张机票可以退吗Is the ticket refundable?11这票有效期多久How long is the ticket valid?(1) 游客1问事处在哪里Where is the information desk?2在哪里可以兑换外币Where can I change money?3我想兑换旅行支票I’d like to cash traveler’s check please.4在哪里付机场费Where can I pay the airport tax?5我应该在哪里补票Where am I supposed to pay the excess train fare?6我在哪儿可以找到搬运工Where can I get a porter?7我从哪条路出去Which way should I go to get out?8上午的航班几点起飞What is the departure time of the morning flight?9该航班何时起飞When does the plane take off?10什么时候起飞What’s the departure time?11该航班今天何时起飞What time is the flight schedule to leave today?12该航班会被取消吗Will the flight be cancelled?13要飞多久How long does the flight take?14从香港飞来的CA106航班到达了吗Has the flight CA106 from Hong Kong arrived?15一个人可以带多少行李上飞机How much luggage can I take with me?16我可以带多少随身行李How much luggage can I carry on。

19该航班准时吗Is the plane on time?20该航班会延误吗Will the flight be delayed?21该航班延误多长时间How long will the flight be delayed?22是什么原因延误What’s the cause of the delay?23中途要停留吗Is there a stopover?24我需要转机吗Do I have to change planes?25我该在哪里转机到新加坡Where should I transfer to Singapore?(2) 工作人员1该航班是直达飞机It’s nonstop.2您将在洛杉矶转机You’ll change plane in Los Angeles.3您将在芝加哥作短暂停留You have a layover in Chicago.4在西雅图停留一个小时There’s one hour layover in Seattle.5所有的联运航班都可以搭乘All connecting flights can be made.6过境旅客可以在过境休息厅候机Transit passengers can wait in the transit launch.7过境旅客不必经过入境检查和海关Transit passengers don’t need to go through immigration andcustoms.8超过200支香烟你要付关税You will be charge duty for the cigarettes over two hundreds.9机上供应一顿午餐A lunch will be served in flight.10机上有点心供应A snack will be served in flight.11该航班没有吃的There is nothing to eat on this flight.12该航班不提供膳食There is no meal service on this flight.13本次航班延误了The flight has been delayed.14因为天气原因该航班被推迟The flight has been delayed due to bad weather.15该航班被取消了The flight has been cancelled.16这次航班改在K1候机口登机The flight has been moved to Gate K-1.17飞机晚点起飞The flight is delayed.(1) 游客1这件我可以带上飞机吗Can I bring this on the plane?2我可以带着这个小提包吗May I carry this satchel?3我的手提箱超重了吗Are my suitcases overweight?4超额行李费是多少How much is the excess baggage charge?5重量限制多少What’s the weight limit?6我有三件行李I have three pieces of luggage.4、 托运行李。

10您吃鸡肉还是牛肉Would you like the chicken or the beef?11来点坚果怎么样Would you care for some nuts?12给您一份快餐好吗Can I offer you a snack?13我们有威士忌、 啤酒、 葡萄酒、 果汁和汽水We’ve got whiskey, beer, wine, juice and soda.14喝咖啡还是喝茶Coffee or tea?15你要等起飞之后才可以听音乐You can’t hear music until take off.(2) 游客6、 在飞机上,我能帮您吗 I see your seat light is on, may I help you?You can call us any time by pushing the button,34那是座椅的仰卧按钮That is a reclining button for the seat.5该航班有餐点供应吗Is there a meal served on this flight?6吃饭的时候请叫醒我Please wake me up for dinner.7现在开始供应午餐It’s time for lunch.8请把餐桌放下来Would you please put down the tray?9您想喝点什么What would you like to drink,请问座位33C在哪里Excuse me, but where is seat 33-C?15请把我带到我的座位去Please show me to my seat.16我可以换座位吗May I change my seat?17你可不可以和我换个位子Would you mind switching seats with me?18您可以把手提箱放在脚下You may put your briefcase at your feet.(1) 工作人员1这是召唤按钮This is the call button.2您只要按这个钮就可以随时召唤我们我看到您的座灯亮了,5我该什么时间办理登机手续呢By what time should I check in?6请问 我该在哪里办理飞往东 京的273航班的登机手续Excuse me, where may I check in for flight 237 to Tokyo.7我什么时间到登机口What time should I be at departure gate?86号登机口在哪Where is Gate 6?9该航班的登机口在哪Where is the boarding gate for this flight?10从这怎么找到15号登机口How do I find Gate 15 from here?11我在几号口登机Which gate should I board the plane,12这个号是哪一个座位Which seat is this number?13请问您能帮我找一下座位吗Would you please direct me to my seat?14对不起。

飞机很快就要起飞了Attention please, our plane will take off soon.2飞机就要起飞了The plane is taking off.3请系好安全带Please fasten your seat belt.4如果有事找空姐请按按钮For stewardess, please push the call button.5本次航班是无烟航班This is a nonsmoking flight.6在飞机上的任何地方都禁止吸烟Smoking is prohibited anywhere on the aircraft.7洗手间在飞机的中部和尾部Restrooms are located in the middle and at the rear of theplane.The emergency exits are located on either side of the planeover the wings.8紧急出口设在两边的机翼上方9系安全带时,将碰锁往上一拉即可 To release the seat belt, pull up on the latch.To fasten your seat belt, bring the two ends together.1011请看清离你最近的安全门Please locate the exit nearest you.12您的座位下有一件救生衣There is a life vest under your seat.13若发生紧急情况,1我可以多要一些餐巾纸吗Could I have some more paper napkins?2给我一副扑克牌好吗Can I have some playing cards?3能给我解释一下怎么系安全带吗Will you explain how to fasten the seat belt?4我需要一副耳机I need a headset.5你们有中文报纸或杂志吗Do you have any Chinese newspapers or magazines?6有给小孩玩的玩具吗Do you have any toys on board for kids?7您有治晕机的药吗Have you got some medicine for airsickness?8我想吐I feel like vomiting.9可以给我一个呕吐袋吗May I have a sick bag?10您可以给我拿杯水吗May I have a cup of water?11北京和旧金山的时差是多少,What is the time difference between Beijing and SanFrancisco?What time is it in Tokyo?12现在东京是几点钟13现在可以解开安全带了吗Is it all right to loose my seat belt?14请给我一张离机卡好吗May I have a disembarkation card?(3) 机内广播1请注意,头顶上会落下一个氧气面罩An oxygen mask will come down form overhead in case ofanemergency.14本次航班供应一次便餐A snack will be served on this flight.15由于天气情况恶劣,There will be some delay in this flight due to the badatmosphere conditions.16飞机正在减速The plane is slowing down.17我们就要着陆了We are about to land.,将带子两端连起来即可系安全带时,本次航班将有所延误。

18飞机尚未完全停稳之前请勿离开您的座位Please remain in your seat until the plane has come to acomplete stop.19飞机正在跑道上滑行The plane is taxiing on the runway.(1) 工作人员1我可以看一下你的护照吗May I see your passport?2你是哪国人What is your nationality?3你来美国的理由是什么What’s your reason for coming to the U.S.A.?4你计划逗留多长时间How long do you plan on staying?5你的旅行属于哪一类What is the nature of your trip?6您来访的目的是什么What is the purpose of your visit?7对不起您的护照已经过期了Sorry, your passport has expired.8您的护照必须要有有效签证You must have a valid visa on your passport.9您的证件符合手续Your documents are valid.10有人和您同行吗Is there any other person traveling with you?11您要不要去其他国家Is there any other country you are going to visit?12给您签发了48小时过境许可You have been granted a 48-hour transit permit.(2) 游客1我的签证有效期延长到了年底My visa is extended to the end of this year.2我将在美国停留一个月I’ll stay in the States for about a month.3我以游客的什么将在此停留一个星期我作为访问学者受邀来此I’m going to stay here for a week as a tourist.4I have been invited as a visiting scholar.5我因公到此地I’m here on business.6我是要去新西兰的过境游客I’m a transit passenger going to New Zealand.7我是持学生签证来的I’m here on a student visa.(1) 工作人员1准备好海关申请表Please have your customs' declaration form ready.2请把这份申请表填一下Please fill in the declaration form.3您有东西要申请关税吗Do you have anything to declare?4你带了应申报的物品吗Are you bringing anything that must be declared?5你带违禁品了吗Do you have any prohibited thing?6箱子里有什么东西What is in the case?7请把箱子打开Please open your case.7、 入境询问8、 海关检查。


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