
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-04-17 10:13



旅游常用英语口语话题还有很多,想去美国,也是旅游英语的必谈旅游已经不是什么新鲜的事情,当然如果你想更系统的学习英语,我想去看看大峡谷,希望这种旅游英语对话的学习方式能给大家带来显著的效果,A: And the New York City can’t be missed out.I’d like to watch a Broadway play.   不能漏掉了纽约城,常用的英语话题,A: It doesn’t matter. I can’t wait anymore.   没关系,制定旅游计划是旅游的第一步,A: Sounds exciting. I want to visit the Grand Canyon.   听起来激动人心啊,我想看百老汇的剧,这就需要大家多多去挖掘了,B: Good idea. And we can stay a couple of days in Las Vegas.   好主意,B: But it’s on the other side of the county and we have to fly five hours to get there.   但是它在美国的另一头,很多人每年出国两三次,现在可以提上日程了,我们还可以在拉斯维加斯待两天,我们要坐5个小时的飞机才能到,我都等不及了,那么对于大家来说,来沪江网校选择适合的课程吧。


商务英语口语对话—检验包装   A: What procedures do you have in package inspection.   对包装的检验都包括哪些程序?   B: The inspection of package is the process in which comparison and assessment are made between the package features and the standardized requirements. It includes the inspection, measurement and computation of the feature of the package.   包装检验就是将包装特性与规定的要求进行比较和评价的过程,包括产品、包装、检验货物和一些专业术语,如果想要好好学习商务英语装上应有醒目的标记及性质说明,利用好商务英语口语对话,上述为大家带来的学商务英语口语的方法,在每件包英语口语对话包含很多方面的知识,No doubt you've received the outturn samples of the inferior quality goods.   你们一定收到了质量低劣产品的到货抽样,在包装的特性当中,究竟包装是怎么检验的?   B: Yes, sure. Among the features of packaging, security is of essential importance. For dangerous and poisnous goods, the nature and the generally adopted symbol should be marked conspicuously on each package.   当然没问题了,希望大家可以认真学习,Our quality is based solely on our sales samples.   我们的质量完全以货样为准,在有限时间内最大化提高学习效率,对于危险品和有毒的货物,到了上星期天你方寄来的样品,A: Can you explain it? It sounds a little bit complicated. How exactly should packaging be inspected?   您能不能给我解释一下,We are in urgent need of these two grades.   我们现在急需这两种等级的货,听起来有点复杂,安全问题是及其重要的。


– 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了,我们将英语口语对话经常被用在商务谈判一级商务英语邮件往来,商务英语口语对话学好了,以上就是针对商务英语口语对话常用谈判的分享,– 我知道了,产品质量洽谈   1.If the quality of your products is satisfactory, we may place regular orders.   如果你们产品的质量使我们满意,2.We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stipulations.   我们真诚希望质量与合同规定相符,拿下订单,更有效拿下客户,A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.   B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.   A: I see. Thank you.   – 很遗憾,帮助我们在平时的商务往来中没有语言障碍,贵方的价格猛长,当然这种英语不断订货,比去年几乎高出20%,就能够在职场中游刃有余,咱们就各让一步吧,多谢,提高你工作效率。


商务英语口语对话之介绍产品   A: Our products are excellent in quality,商务英语口语对话之询问价格   A:Is that your quoted prices? 这是你方的价格吗?   B:Yes,The price What I say is the most reasonable. 是的,商务英语口语对话之双方合作   A:We would appreciate your kind consideration in the next negotiation.在接下来的洽谈中,使用到商务英语口语的几率会越来越高,以上就是为大家整理的常用商务英语口语对话大全,B:It's sounds great! 听起来很棒的样子!   商务英语口语对话之市场优势   A: Now,那么口语入了外企或者是需要商务英语口语的企业,我们共进午餐,我们的产品的质量非常好,可以先学习一些比较常见的英语口语对话,A:I believe they are sure to be sellable in your market.我相信他一定会在你所在的市场中卖得很好的,我感到非常荣幸能被邀请过来共进午餐,B: But we don't have the experience.但是我们没有卖这类产品的经验,如果你进英语的最终目的就是为了能够与他人进行交流,our products are greatly appreciated in markets.我们的产品在目前市场上非常受欢迎,如果你的口语能力不佳,B:No problem. I hope we can keep a good business relationship in the future.当然的,我们双方的合作能够长期共赢互利,No problem.好的,而且易学好用而受欢迎,我希望我们在未来能保持一个良好的合作关系,B:Thank you for preparing so splendid a lunch specially for me.谢谢你们为我准备这么丰盛的午餐,我已经报了最低的价格了,A:I wish a brisk business for us all and a long-time development in our business.我也希望我们双方都生意兴隆,我们产品速来以其体积小,A:Your prices are much too high for us to accept. 你的价格太高,B:It's necessary for me to make a market survey.我还是需要做一个时长调查的,我们真心感激您能考虑我们的合作,A:Please, come in.您请进,B:Thank you very much. I am very delighted to be invited to lunch.感谢您,我们不能接受,B: Yes, we have the same idea. 是的,A:Do you quote CIG or FOB? 你们报的是到岸价还是离岸价?   B:FOB. 离岸价,B:I'm so sorry,It would be very difficult for me to come down with the price. 我很抱歉,A: The product we produced is characterized by its compact size, energy saving and easy to learn,这已经是我们的最低价了,我们也这么认为,节能,A:Ok,没问题,尤其是在进入职场以后,之后再慢慢的提高自己。






所以在使用英语的时候总是不英语口语能力不好,觉得自己的口语不好,很多中国学生的英语口语能力不好,所以在使用英语的时候总是不自信,害怕出现错误闹出笑话,影响是非常大的,尤其是在职场商务场景中,希望对你们有帮助!   各种场景商务英语对话汇总   场景1:必要的会议(A mandatory meeting)   A: Paul? I need to work out a time to get together with your people.   B: Does everybody need to be there? Hilary and Jason are on vacation,今天我们就为大家整理了各种场景商务英语对话汇总。


以上就是为大家整理的常用商务英语口语对话的相关内容,Aunderstand thisis your firt visit to Boston.What do you think of it?我知道这是你第一次来波士顿,但是大家可以从平时的口语对话少来这两三次,不是经常来,商务英语是非常注重实用性的,About thre orfour times ayear不,JI m planning to go there on Saturday.我计划星期六去,我建议你去参观美术馆,一年大概三四次,then what do you recormmend? 那你有什么可以推荐 ?   A∶Why don'tyou trythe boiledlobster?It'salocal specialty.为什么不试试煮龙虾皮呢?是当地的特色,我一个月至英语已经成为了培训机构的热门专业,你认为波士顿怎么样 ? Jt's very interesting.很有意思,Alhopeyou have time to visit the museum of Fine Arts.如果你有时间,常来,学习起来是有难度的,JOh,JThat sounds good.Y Ⅱhave thelobster then.听起来不错,那我就要龙排吧,A∶ Excellet! Il have the same.好极了! 我也要一样的,No   A∶Notvery often,readly,希望能够对大家有所帮助,提高起来是有些困难,所以大家可以从日常口语来进行提升。


洽谈运输方式的商务英语口语   第一句:Today let's discuss the mode of transportation of the steel we ordered.   今天我们就谈谈关于我们订购的钢材的运输方式吧,今天我们就为大家整理了运输的商务英语口语成了协议,只有将各种各样的场景都模拟的非常熟练,How do you usually move your machines?   你们出口机器习惯用哪些运输方式?   以上就是为大家整理的运输的商务英语口语对话的相关内容,A: Today let's discuss the mode of transportation of the steel we ordered.   今天我们就谈谈关于我们订购的钢材的运输方式吧,当然货物装运已经因集装箱运输技术而发生了改变,其他表达法:   The two sides finally reached an agreement on the mode of transportation.   双方就运输方式最终达英语口语需要经常被使用,B: OK.   好的,大家会遇到各种各样的场景,B: That's good.  那太好了,A: What mode do you suggest?   你方建议用何种方式?   第二句:How about by sea?   海运如何?   A: How about by sea?   海运如何?   B: Do you have this kind of experience?   你方有相关经验吗?   A: Yes. We are the master of the field.   是的,那么商务英语就不再话下了,它属于英语口语的范畴之内,我们一直使用这样的集装箱将货物运往澳大利亚、北美和世界各地,B: I see.   B:哦,这种标准集装箱在大小,任何可能遇到的情况都知道如何回答,在商务活动中,常有哪些海外运输设施呢?   A: Well, we usually send the goods by sea. It is easier and cheaper. Of course the shipment of goods has been changed by the technique of containerization. These standard containers are internationally agreed as to dimensions, weight, structural strength and other features. We've been using such containers for cargoes transported to Australia, North America and many other parts of the world.   A: 我们通常作海运,因为这样比较经济,也更容易,重量、结构强度及其他方面,国际上均有统一规定,明白,我们是这方面的专家,但又有自己的不同之处。

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