
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-06 09:31


【其它】已知由与非门构成的基本RS触发器的直接置“0”端和直接置“1”端的输入波形,如图9-2所示,试画出触发器Q端和 端的波形。

According to a recent survey, managers are confident that they can control remote workers effectively.。


A. 分析基础以技术分析为主 B. 对交易员的依赖程度高 C. 工作时间24小时不间断 D. 执行能力快速。




My great-great-grandparents were the first in my family to arrive in the United States, immigrating to this country from Europe. However, I am the first in my bloodline to arrive in the States, as I was adopted from South Korea in my 1)__________________. I have for the most part 2)______________ the customs and practices of my adoptive parents because I was raised with their values and know nothing of my biological parents. I only 3)___________________ their family name.。

The significance of my race has been 4)_________________ my mind since my mother took my younger brother and me to Asia cultural 5)_________________ before we had even started school. She did this in an effort to 6)________________ the lack of cultural diversity in the area; my brother and I were the only Asian children at school and in the community. Thus, the realization that there are different “types” of people, as far as race is concerned, actually came to me in meeting other South Koreans.。

Attending college has helped 7)___________________ the idea of my cultural identity, for that was the first time I ever came in contact with other peoples en masse. I was finally able to 8)______________various races of students and faculty from around the world. Most of my life I had only been 9)__________________ white people, so being able to experience how other people lived allowed me to see how I was racially different. This encouraged me to learn more about these differences and how they truly affect how I live. Also, taking college courses with a multicultural focus 10)_________________ my perceptions concerning these differences and influences./module/audioplay.html?objectid=0d997ffea30bf0e70183b82160ccf9dc。



A. 以o结尾的形容词修饰阴性名词时,把o改为a。

B. 以辅音字母结尾的形容词修饰阴性名词时,在辅音字母后面加上a变为阴性。

C. 以元音



【单选题】将 256 × 1 位 ROM 扩展为 1024 ×8 位 ROM ,共需 片 256 × 1 位 ROM。

A. 10 B. 16 C. 64 D. 32。



A. 对

B. 错

【单选题】可用做乳剂型基质防腐剂的是( )。

A. 硬脂酸 B. 液体石蜡 C. 吐温80 D. 羟苯乙酯 E. 甘油。




A. 分析基础以技术分析为主 B. 对交易员的依赖程度高 C. 工作时间24小时不间断 D. 执行能力快速。

【填空题】已知轴的公称尺寸为Ф30mm,轴的上极限尺寸为Ф29.980mm,下极限尺寸为Ф29.950mm,则轴的公差为 ?。

Relevant policies are necessary to facilitate the successful implementation of teleworking.。

Relevant policies are necessary to facilitate the successful implementation of teleworking.。






【判断题】某铝合金的再结晶温度为 320°C ,说明此合金在 320°C 以下只能发生回复,而在 320°C 以上一定发生再结晶。

A. 对

B. 错

智慧职教: 下列什么情况下的多尿不属于渗透性利尿。

【填空题】已知轴的公称尺寸为Ф30mm,轴的上极限尺寸为Ф29.980mm,下极限尺寸为Ф29.950mm,则轴的公差为 ?。

【多选题】线性规划问题的可行域可以( )。

A. 不包含任何可行解。

B. 含有无穷多最优解。

C. 恰好含有两个可行解。

D. 含有无数个可行解。

Teleworking helps employees to improve the balance between personal and professional life.。


主治风寒湿闭阻,肝肾两亏,气血不足所致痹病的是 A、痛风定胶囊 B、四妙丸 C、独活寄生合。

【单选题】可用做乳剂型基质防腐剂的是( )。

A. 硬脂酸 B. 液体石蜡 C. 吐温80 D. 羟苯乙酯 E. 甘油。



Teleworking helps companies to save money on new staff training, power consumption, and real estate costs.。

【多选题】LDK概念 包括哪些室内家居功能?。

A. 起居室 B. 餐厅 C. 厨房 D. 卧室。

发现血象:RBC 2.5×1012/L,血涂片嗜多色性和嗜碱色性点彩红细胞易见,【单选题】1岁患儿因腹泻就诊,Hb 90g/L,MCV 99fl,MCH 37pg,MCHC 35%,其最可能诊断为。


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