
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-08 10:07










Maya: Away from Crowds 远离人群一去玛雅? Central America is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds, including numerous ancient Maya settlements.? 中美洲蕴藏着大量的秘密宝藏,等待着那些喜欢远离人群的旅行者去发现,包括众多的古代玛雅遗址。

? The seven countries of Central America —Guatemala, Panama, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica —are full of natural beauty and cultural treasures. Many of the region's nature reserves, ancient Maya settlements and colonial cities have been declared world cultural heritage sites by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.。

? 中美洲的七个国家一危地马拉、 巴拿马、伯利兹、 洪都拉斯、 萨尔瓦多、 尼加拉瓜和哥斯达黎加一遍布自然美景和文化宝藏,本地区有许多自然保护区、 古玛雅人遗址和殖民时期的城市已经被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。

? There are lots of volcanoes and an exotic animalkingdom to explore, yet few people outside the region know of them. The view into the crater of the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua is a breathtaking experience, enlivened by the accompanying strong smell of sulphur and the loud screaming of parrots.。

你会倒吸一口冷气,你又会回过神来,? 那里有太多的火山和珍禽异兽有待探寻,可是它们却鲜为外人所知,当你往尼加拉瓜的玛莎雅火山口望进去的时候,但是当你闻到那股浓烈的疏磺味,听到鹦鹉尖厉的叫声时,惊叹它的壮美。

? Yet the car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty. This is a boon for daringtravelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes ofother visitors.。

? 然而火山口附近的停车场却几乎空无一人,这是给勇敢者的一种奖赏,他们可以尽情独享这一切,而不必同比肩接踵的其它游客分享美景。

? El Salvador has a 'road of flowers' and Nicaragua has a 'road of white villages' connecting villages from the colonial period. Honduras is developing a means of connecting the native American communities in the Atlantic coast from the Garifuna, descendents of the Carribean Indians and Africans, to the Miskito Indians in the jungle.。

和生活在丛林中的墨斯奇陶印第安人社区连接起来,尼加拉瓜则有一条'白色村庄之路',如加勒比印第安和非洲人的后裔加里福那人社区,连接殖民时期留下来的各个村庄,? 萨尔瓦多有一条“鲜花之路”,洪都拉斯也正开发一条信道,把大西洋沿岸的美洲土著人社区。

? Geological enthusiasts could also follow a volcanic trail through Central America. There are many volcanoes in just a small area, some with perfectly cone-shaped peaks constantly emitting smoke from their craters. Some of them are partially accessible.。

但是火山众多,有些火山呈完美的圓锥形,有些火山因烟灰浓烈而难窥全貌,? 地质爱好者也可以沿着连接各座火山的小道穿越中美洲,山口终年喷着烟雾,中美洲地域不大。

? A bus travels to the edge of the Masaya craters in Nicaragua, an active volcano just 500 meters high. For safety reasons, every traveler should get local information from the local tourism authority before climbing a volcano.? 旅游汽车可以到达高度仅500米的尼加拉瓜玛莎雅火山口的边缘,出于安全原因,每个旅游者登山前必须先到当地旅游局了 解有关信息。

? The Arenal Volcano in northern Costa Rica terrified local inhabitants and tourists in August 2000 when it spouted hot gas and ash.? 2000年8月,哥斯达黎加北部的阿雷纳尔火山突然喷出滚烫的气体和火山灰,令当地居民和游客猝不及防,魂飞魄散。

? Individual travelers can easily find travel information. The long distance buses that connect all the countries in the region are very comfortable with air conditioning and TV.? 旅游散客也很容易获取有关旅游资料,配有空调和电视的长途客车连接着本地区的所有国家,是非常舒适的交通工具。

? And if you travel through the villages in small, local rundown buses, you will swiftly come into close contact with local inhabitants and their animals. You are just as likely to have a hen thrust into your lap as a small child. ? 要是你搭乘的是破旧的村际小客车,你很快就可以与当地居民和动物亲密接触,随时随地会有一只母鸡像小孩一样撞到你的怀里。

西藏旅游: 揭去神秘的面纱The Tourism of Tibet: Reveal the Mysterious Veil。

? 西藏地处中国西南部,西藏始终在中央政府控制之下,1 3世纪中叶,正式纳人中国元代版图,尽管中国历经多次改朝换代,政权更迭,但是,是中国的一个不可分割的部分。

? Tibet is located in the southwest of China. It formally belonged to the domain of the Yuan Dynasty in the mid-thirteenth century. Although China has undertaken changes and replacements of dynasties and central governments in Chinese history, Tibet has always been under the control by the central government and been an inseparable part of China.。

? 今天是一个以喷气式飞机、 高速公路和计算机网络为标志的信息时代,世界上具有神秘色彩的地方已所剩无几,西藏却是一个例外,? Today is an age of information with jet aircrafts, highways and network of computers as its symbols. Mysterious places are rare to be found in the world, but Tibet is an exception.。

? Because of its geographical position, unique topography and terrain; unknown but existentoriginal customs and natural scenery; and various propagandas brought back by foreign explorers, all these render people possible toform a mysterious picture of Tibet.,? 由于其地理位置偏僻、 地形地貌独特,原始的自然风光和仍鲜为人知的民俗风情,以及本世纪初一些外国探险家带回去的种种宣传,这一切可能使人们对西藏形成一种神秘感。

? 西藏位于中国西南边陲,南面与缅甸、 印度、 不丹和尼泊尔等国接壤,西面与印度接壤,? Tibet is located in the southwest of China. It is bounded on the north by Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province; on the east by Sichuan and Yunnan provinces; on the south by Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), India, Bhutan, and Nepal; and on the west by India. Lhasa is the region's capital and largest city.,它北邻新疆维吾尔自治区和青海省,东接四川省和云南省,拉萨是首府和最大的城市。

西藏大多数人居住在海拔1 200米到51 00米的地方,? 西藏平均海拔4900米,? With an average elevation of 4,900 m, Tibet is the highest region on earth. For this reason, it is sometimes called the Roof of the World. Most of the people in Tibet live at elevations ranging from 1 ,200 m to 5,1 00 m.,是世界上最高的地区,素有'世界屋脊'之称。

? 西藏南、 西、 北三面分别被喜马拉雅山,喀喇昆仑山和昆仑山所环抱,是世界上与外界隔绝的地方之一,? Tibet is also one of the world's most isolated regions, surrounded by the Himalayas on the south, the Karakoram Range on the west, and the Kunlun Mountains on the north.。

? 由于地理条件不同,? Due to the different geographical conditions, temperatures of the south grassland and north plateau differ sharply. The south is warm and rainy. Most rain falls during May and September.,藏南谷地和藏北高原温差很大,南部温和多雨,降雨集中在五月到九月之间。

六月到八月温暧,旅游的最佳时间是三月到八月,? The north has a continental climate, and is a relatively dry area. It is warm from June to August. The weather differs sharply during day and night. The best time for traveling is from March to October.? 北部属大陆性气候,相对干燥,昼夜温差大。

? 西藏历史文化悠久,是一个富于独特的传统文化、 能歌善舞的民族,勤劳勇敢的西藏人民创造了充满活力、 丰富多彩的文化习俗,考古发掘遗迹表明4000至两万年前就有人栖息于此。

? Tibet has a long history. Ancient remainsshow that human beings lived here from 4 thousand to 20 thousand years ago. Tibetans are so diligent and brave that they have created diverse cultural customs. This is a nation with special traditional culture and a nation keen on dancing and singing.。

? 西藏天文学、 历算先进,西藏的艺术瑰宝有绘画、 建筑、 雕刻、 音乐、 舞蹈、 民间戏剧,? Tibet is advanced in astronomy, ancient algorithm and medicine. Tibet is abounded of classics and literature works. Among Tibetan art treasures are painting, architecture, carving, music, dancing, folk opera.,医学发达,拥有大量经典和文学作品。

? Of famous ancient art sites all around Tibet, the most well-known sites are the Potala Palace, Zhaxilhunbo Temple, Jokhang Temple, Ramoche Temple and etc. The tour of these places and the local customs are the most special in the world.? 西藏各地都有著名的古代艺术景点,其中最著名的景点有布达拉宫、 扎什伦布寺、大昭寺和小昭寺等,这里的观光旅游和民俗风情旅游,是世界上最为独特的。

抵达日喀则时仅剩下两匹公马和一头母马,进藏时有130匹马,? At the beginning of last century, Sven Hedin, a Sweden explorer who made the first travel to Tibet from the western world, arrived at Gzhis-kartse with only two horses and one mare which were ever as many as 1 30 horses and mares when he first entered Tibet.,? 上世纪初,西方第一个闯入西藏的瑞典探险家斯文.赫定'。

? He said in his Travel in the Asian Continentthat in Tibet, 'every step we'd taken made a new discovery about the earth and each name of the place meant a new occupation. We knew nothing about this part of our planet as we did the back of the moon until Jan. , 1 907. “? 他在《亚洲大陆旅行记》 中写道: 在西藏'我们每迈出一步是对地球的一次新发现,',直到1907年1 月为止,我们对地球的这个部分和对月球背面一样一无所知,每一个地名意味着占领了一块新的土地。

? 世纪西藏的交通运输发生了巨大的变化,赫定进入西藏后的本世纪上半叶,运输主要靠肩背和牲畜驮运,? Transportation in Tibet has changed a lot throughout this century. In the first half, there was not even one mile of road or one truck, and the transportation was based on man's labor and stock.,在斯文,这里甚至连半英里公路和一辆卡车都没有。

? Yak conveyance from Lhasa to Yaan was conducted only once a year. After 1 950 when serfdom was eliminated, four roads from Sichuan, Qinghai, Xinjiang and Yunnan to Tibet were built despite great difficulties. ? 从拉萨到雅安的牦牛运输一年仅有一次,自1 950年农奴制废除后,在极为艰难的条件下,先后修筑了川藏、 青藏、 新藏、 滇藏条省际公路干线。

? 与此同时,98%的县都通了公路,? And at the same time inside this autonomous zone, road network were formed centering on Lhasa, Gzhiskartse, Chabmdo and Nagqu, which extended to 98 percent of the counties. Railway from Qinghai to Tibet was built at this time.,形成了以拉萨、 日喀则、 昌都和那曲为中心的公路网,在自治区境内,在此期间,还建成了青藏铁路。

? In 1 956, airmen succeeded in their first aerial navigation above the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau which ever meant the 'forbidden area'. Now there are regular flightsbetween Lhasa and Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing and Kathmandu of Nepal.? 1 956 年,航空人员突破号称'空中禁区'的青藏高原上空,试航成功,现在拉萨与国内的北京、 成都、 重庆,以及尼泊尔的加德满都,都有定期航班往返。

? 如今游客可以以多种方式进人西藏,他们可以乘汽车从新疆、 青海、 四川或云南到西藏,也可以乘飞机从北京、 成都或重庆到拉萨,? Now tourists can enter Tibet in many ways, by bus from Xingjiang, Qinghai, Sichuan or Yunnan; by air from Beijing, Chengdu or Chongqing to Lhasa.。

? 现代游客渴望重返大自然,欣赏大自然,? Modern tourists are eager to return to and enjoy the nature. Tibet has a large area, a small population, high mountains covered with snow, rich forests and booming azalea, rampage rivers and tranquil lakes,西藏地域广阔、 人口稀少,髙山白雪皑皑森林郁郁葱葱、 杜鹃满山遍野,河流奔腾不息,湖泊静谧安详。

? . Most of the places are free from pollution and preserve their original state for people to enjoy the bounty of the nature.? 这里绝大多数地方没有污染,散发着淡谈的原始醇香,在这里人们可以尽情地享受大自然的恩赐。

? 1 . Possibly, tradition says the most about people's character and mentality. The main purpose of tourism, apart from visiting different places, is to get acquainted with each other's customs and cultures.? 1 .也许只有传统才能真正反映出人的性格和精神,旅行的目的,除了四处游览观光之外,更重要的就是太了解彼此的风俗和文化。

? 2. Now a World Heritage Site, Stonehenge and all its surroundings remain powerful witnesses to the once great civilization of the Stone and Bronze Ages, between 5,000 and 3,000 years ago. ? 如今作为世界文化遗产,巨石阵及其周围建筑依旧是5000到3000年前石器时代和青铜时代伟大文明的有力见证者。

? 3. The Australian continent has many different climatic zones ranging from tropical in the north, leading to subtropical and savanna, to arid deserts in the centre and temperate in the south. ? 3澳洲大陆跨越许多种不同的气候带,有北部的热带、 亚热带和稀树草原,有中部干旱不毛的沙漠,还有南部的温带。

? 4. Towering over Black Hills of South Dakota at 6,000 feet above sea level arethe four life-like figures of American presidents: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt.? 在南达克塔州海拔6000英尺的黑山顶上耸立着华盛顿、 林肯、 杰弗逊和罗斯福四位美国总统栩栩如生的塑像。

? 5. The reason for Disney's success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the credit belongs to one person — the man who created cartoon and built the company from nothing.? 迪斯尼乐园的成功有许多原因,但是归根结底要归功于个人,这个人发明了卡通画,白手起家,创建了这家公司。

? 6. The environment is friendly. The physical beauty of Hawaii is almost unparalleled. Majestic mountains were created millions of years ago by volcanic activity that thrust islands three miles from the ocean floor.? 夏威夷环境宜人,自然美景无与伦比,数百万年前火山爆发,把这些小岛推离海底足有3英里高,形成了壮丽的山脉。

? 7. The beauty of our country — or at least all of it south of the Highlands — is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.? 我们美丽的国家一至少苏格兰高地以南的地带--有目共赏而难以描绘。

? 8. We have here no vast mountain ranges, no illimitable plains, no leagues of forest, and are deprived of grandeur that may accompany these things.? 这儿没有崇山峻岭,没有一望无际的平原,也没有广袤的森林,因而无从领略这些景物是何等壮观。

每天都是一个可以享受海滩的日子,终年气温都保持在60到90华氏度之间,? 9. Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather is friendly. The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long. It's a little warmer in summer and a little cooler in winter, but every day is a beach day for somebody.? 夏威夷群岛是地球上最美丽的地方之一,气候舒适,夏季天气稍微偏热,冬季凉爽一些,但对某些人来说。

? 1 0. The Southern Downs region of Queensland has a promotion which does underline the fact that there is more to Queensland than rolling surf beaches, golf courses and coral reefs.? 昆士兰的南部丘陵地区的旅游广告突出宣传了一个事实: 昆士兰的美景远远不止沙滩冲浪、 髙尔夫球场和大堡礁。

p8? 1 . Tourism has already become one of the world's most important industries, with high growth rate and net profits.? 旅游以其高发展速度和纯收人成为全球最重要的产业。

? 2. China's tourism industry has grown in tandem with the economic explosion over the last two decades.? 在过去20年间,中国的旅游业与经济发展齐头并进。

? 3. As the Chinese tourism market expands at a high speed, a good environment is being created to further drive its development.? 随着中国旅游市场迅速扩大,以促进旅游市场进一步发展,人们正在创造更好的环境。

? 4. With the acceleration of urbanization, man's desire to return to nature grows with each passing day.? 随着城巿化速度的加快,人类回归大自然的渴望与日俱增。

? 5. In those areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, you can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery but also learn about the local customs and traditional cultures.? 在少数民族地区旅游,你不但能观赏到美丽的风景,还能领略到当地的民俗和传统文化。

? 6. Tourism is often described as the world's biggest industry on the basis of its contribution to global GDP, the number of jobs it generates and the number of client it serves.? 就对全球的贡献、 提供的工作岗位,以及服务的客户数量来说,旅游业通常被看作是世界上最大的产业。

? 7. In many fragile ecosystems, the thriving tourism is posing an increasing impact on the unique natural environments and biodiversity in these areas.? 在许多脆弱的生态系统中,旅游方兴未艾,对这些地区独特的自然环境和生物多样性的影响日益显现。

? 8. Experts hold that it is a common choice for all countries to advocate the harmony between the environment and the tourism industry.? 专家认为,提倡旅游业与环境保持和谐是所有国家的共同选择。

? 9. Natural reserves boast abundant tourism resources and enjoy tremendous prospect for development.。

旅游能够开阔视野,假日旅游在中国已经成为一种时尚,? 1 0. Nowadays with the development of economy, travelling on holidays has become a fashion in China. By travelling, you can broaden your mind and make new friends.? 现在,随着经济的发展,结交新的朋友。

p1 1

? 1 . You can learn something about a place by reading a travel book, but you learn more when you actually travel there.? 1 .看旅游书籍可以使人对一个地方知道点皮毛,但要真正了解那个地方,还得亲自去那里游历一番。

? 2. There is a combination of enthusiasm and excitement that is felt while travelling. New foods, different faces, foreign languages, and interesting customers all fascinate the travelers.? 旅行时人会有一种激动兴奋的感觉,新奇的食品、 不同的面孔、 外国的语言,以及有趣的风俗,所有这些都令游客心悦神迷。

虽然没有坐飞机快捷,也没有坐火车舒适,? 3. To travel by Greyhound is easy, cheap and convenient, though not so fast as travelling by plane or so comfortable as by train.? 坐灰狗巴士旅游,但是既方便又便宜。

? 4. In January New England was covered with thick snow and ice while Miami was warm with flowers in blossoms.? 4 一月份,新英格兰积着厚厚的冰雪,而迈阿密却是鲜花盛开,温暧如春。

? 5. Sparsely populated by the descendants of its original inhabitants, Arnhem Land is accessible through specialized operators (some of them Aboriginal owned) which give travelers rare and unforgettable insights into indigenous Australian art and culture.? 阿纳姆人烟稀少,? Be indigenous to,只有一些原始居民的后裔,通过〈其中有些是土著人经营的) 专门机构,游客可以领略到世界上已经所剩不多、 令人难以忘怀的澳大利亚本土的艺术和文化。

? 6. The island continent of Australia offers an enormous array of scenic variety and you can take the opportunity of enjoying just about every adventure you've ever dreamed possible.? 澳大利亚这块岛状大陆向您展示众多不同的景观,您可借机尽情享受您梦寐以求的各种探险旅游。

? 7. The idea of going to Europe just for scenery is my idea of a misspent journey when there are so many different cultures to explore and historical and artistic experiences to absorb.? 在我看来,欧洲有这么多不同的文化值得探索,那么多历史和艺术遗产可以欣赏,如果去那里只是为了看看风景,真是枉了此行。

有人喜欢徜徉在青山绿水之间,还有些人则喜欢结识当地的人民,? 8. The tourists' favourite visiting places vary from person to person, some want to visit beautiful mountains and rivers, others like to meet local people.? 旅游者爱去的地方因人而异。

? 9. Mark Twain was so impressed that he said of Montreal 'you can't throw a brick without hitting a church '.? 蒙特利尔随处可见的教堂给马克吐温留下了深刻的印象,他甚至说: '你随便扔一块石头,就一定会砸到一座教堂,'。

村庄和小镇通常建在田边上,在没建尼罗河大坝以前,? 1 0. The villages and towns were usually perched on the edge [of the farms] so as not to waste arable soil and because there was a need, before the High dam tamed the Nile, to live beyond.? 1 0.为了不浪费可耕地,另一个原因是,人们要住得离河道远一点,以躲避每年发生的洪水。

? 3^你一定很不善于学习,p1 2? 1 .他烟抽得很厉害,? 1 她酷爱音乐,要不然就是教你的人不会教,? 5^你要当合格的导游,? 4在车没有停稳之前请不要站起来,并具有舞蹈天赋,就必须熟悉这个国家的历史和文化,:。

? 6,? 7.没有党的坚强领导,? 8.20世纪80年代,要学好英语,就必须尽可能多地接触这门语言,要实现四个现代化是不可能的,大量的乡 镇企业兴起,给中国经济带来了空前的活力。

? 9这件事本身便表明,? 1 0.那好看的苹果、 桃子和石榴把自己的果子悬在枝上,他们是有合作的诚意的,鲜红嫩绿的颜色,令人一望而发羡慕的心。

p1 2? He smokes heavily.? He is a heavy smoker.? She loves music very much and has a gift for dancing. ? She has a love for music and a gift for dancing.? She is a great lover of music and a gifted dancer.。

? You must be bad at learning, or else your teacher must be bad at teaching. ? You must be a bad learner, or else you must be going to a bad teacher。

? Please don't stand up before the bus has fully stopped. ? Please don't stand up before the bus comes to a full stop.。

? You must know the history and culture of the country well before you can qualify as a tourist guide.? You must have a good knowledge of the history and culture of the country before you can be a tourist guide.。

? You must expose yourself to English as much as possible if you are to learn it well. ? You must get as much exposure to English as possible if you are to learn it well.。

7? It would be impossible to realise the Four Modernisations without strong Party leadership.? The realisation of the Four Modernisations would be impossible without strong Party leadership.。

? In the 1 980s a great number of township enterprises emerged in China, which brought unprecedented vitality to the country‘s economy.? The emergence of a great number of of township enterprises in China in the 1 980s brought unprecedented vitality to the country's economy.。

This event itself indicates their sincere wish to cooperate with us. This event itself is an indication of their sincere wish to cooperate with us.。

? The beautiful apple, peach and pomegranate hang their fruit on their branches and make people admire them at first sight with their brilliant colours.? The beautiful apple, peach and pomegranate hang their fruit on their branches and draw people's admiration at first sight with their brilliant colours.。

p1 2? 尼罗河三角洲? 埃及尼罗河在古希腊人中享有盛誉,古希腊人每每提起尼罗河,把埃及称为'尼罗河的恩赐',每年尼罗河水位上涨,尼罗河为一片久无甘露的沙漠带来了河水,总是满怀崇敬,个中缘由有一:其一,其二,会溢出河岸一次,退潮过后,留下的就是一层肥沃的泥土。

? The large river best known to the ancient Greeks was the Nile of Egypt. They spoke of the river with admiration and called Egypt 'the gift of the Nile'. The reason for this was, first, that the Nile brought water to a rainless desert and, second, that once a year, the river overflowed its banks, leaving, as the water went back, a new layer of fertile soil.。

? 河水把泥土 (或叫淤沙) 从上游河谷带到下游地区乃至人海口,当与大海交汇时,由于受到海洋阻力,顺水而下的淤沙便停滞下来。

? The flood waters carry in them soil (called silt) from the upper parts of the river valley to the lower parts, and so to the sea. But as the river meets the sea, the sea acts as a barrier and forces the river to drop the silt it is carrying.。

? There are no tides in the Mediterranean to carry the silt away, so year after year it collects at the mouth of the Nile, and the river must find its way around islands of silt to the always more distant Mediterranean.。

? In this way, a vast area of fertile soil has been built up at the mouth of the Nile and out into the sea. The river water splits up to form small branches winding across the area. To the ancient Greeks, the mouth of the Nile looked like the drawing.。

? 然而地中海潮水不会把淤沙带走,于是在尼罗河和地中海之间形成了一大片肥沃的土壤,淤沙便在尼罗河的入海口处堆积,蜿蜒穿过这片土地,年复一年,尼罗河为此不得不绕道而行,距海洋越来越远,尼罗河水也分成一股股细流,古希腊人觉得,尼罗河口的形状与三角图形很是相似。

尼罗河口的这片土地看起来很像希腊字母的第四 尼罗河三角洲便由此得名,都可以用DELTA三角洲命名,? 如今我们会闪为事物的形状酷似某个字母,便以此为之命名,比方说: V形转弯,S形弯等等,现在任何在河流人海(无潮海) 口形成的? 流域,如果你对照地图就会发现,其实密西西比河三角洲根本就不像三角形,希腊人也这样取名,I形标,丁形广场,不管其形似与否。

中国的旅游业? Tourism in China? China is a multi-ethnic country with a vast territory and a long history covering thousands of years. It boasts of abundant tourist resources, with beautiful natural landscapes, numerous scenic spots and historic sites, and a rich splendid culture.。

? Since the introduction of the reform and opening policy, China's economy has seen sustained growth at an annual average rate of nearly 1 0 percent. There has been vigorous development in its various public undertakings and marked improvement in the people's lives.。

? All this has laid a solid foundation for a boom in the tourist sector. China now enjoys political stability, economic development and a prosperous market. The Chinese government sticks to the reform and opening policy and vigorously develops relations with other countries. These have created favorable conditions for the development of tourism.。

? The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of tourism and regards tourism as the top priority of its tertiary industry. It has made unremitting efforts to tap its tourist resources, improve its tourist facilities and upgrade its service quality, which have effectively promoted the rapid development of international and domestic tourism.。

? The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of tourism and regards tourism as the top priority of its tertiary industry. It has made unremitting efforts to tap its tourist resources, improve its tourist facilities and upgrade its service quality, which have effectively promoted the rapid development of international and domestic tourism.。

? With the improvement of the living standard of the Chinese people, the number of Chinese traveling abroad has gradually increased with each passing year, injecting new vitality to the development of world tourism.。

中国经济以年平均近1 0%的速度持续增长,? 中国是一个地域辽阔,有着数千年悠久历史的多民族国家,有着秀丽的自然风光、众多的名胜古迹和丰富多彩的灿烂文化,旅游资源十分丰富,改革开放以来,各项事业蓬勃发展,人民生活水平显著提高,为旅游业的兴旺奠定了坚实的基础。

中国政府十分重视旅游业的发展,促进了国际国内旅游业的快速发展,随着中国人民生活水平的提高,为国际旅游业的发展增添了新的活力,中国政府坚持对外开放积极发展与世界各国的关系,不断幵发旅游资源,改善旅游设施,也为旅游业的发展创造了极为有利的条件,? 中国政治稳定,将旅游业作为第三产业的重点,提高服务质量,经济发展,市场繁荣,我国到国外旅行的人数也逐年增多。



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