
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-01-11 10:10


赵:你们喜欢旅游吗,(一般熟人间见面时打招呼) Good afternoon 下午好,我很喜欢它,(较熟悉或相互间较随便的打招呼) Nice to see you.很高兴见到(看见)你,(初次见面或相识间的打招呼) Hi,/你好,/你好,文化习俗,文化和不同的地方和国家的生活方式,旅游可以扩大我们的地理知识,We can make friends and practice a foreign language through travelling. 章:那你们喜欢独自出游,张:通过旅游我们可以交朋友、练外语,旅行是最好的消遣,还是随旅行社组团出游? W...,内容提示:Hello,喂,喂,Do you like traveling? 周:当然,Sure,I really like it,我们可以享受各种食品,观看美丽景色。




周:我们去哪儿呢,I'll make a good food list; I know we all love it. 三人:好极了 Wonderful,坐汽车去,张:还需要带什么吗,以横店影视城出名,东阳还有很多美食,And convenient transportation. 赵:好的 OK,Recently I heard that Jackie Chan was there, do we have a chance see him next time? 张:也许会,我们可以节省很多钱,张:东阳怎么样,Do you know, I’ve been to Singapore and I cannot forget their fresh fruit. Singapore is a small country in Asia, also a good environmental protection country. how about you,A hotel, I’ll order it in the Internet. We can save a lot of money and enjoy the landscape at the same time. 周:而且要交通方便,Where should we live while traveling? 赵:宾馆,让我们一起去吧,我们怎么去,My long travelling is Xiamen, which famous for GULANGYU Island. And local people are friendly to visitors.travel increases my experience and open my eyes. 赵:我迫不及待想去旅游了,I can't wait for go to travel. Let’s go together. 众人:好极了 Excellent,Maybe, I am excited! 章:ok 冷静一下,比如《宫》 I know. There are many ancient costume drama been filmed there. Such as 'Palace' 赵:听说最近成龙在那里,周:那么我来找一些吃饭的场所吧,Do we need to bring anything? 赵:依我的经验,我好激动啊,Also, DONGYANG have nice foods. 周:我知道,直接到横店,How can we go there? Tourist bus? 张:让我想想……对,坐汽车吗,Let me see……yeah,by bus, Directly to HENGDIAN. 周:我们住在哪儿呢,以鼓浪屿出名,我朋友告诉我那儿有很多明星,钱,How about DONGYANG? Which famous for hengdian world studios. The magazine TIMES named as the“the Orient Hollywood”. my friend tell me there are a lot of stars in act,Where we go,章:棒极了,我们需要带上个人证件,good idea,In my experience, we need to take a personal certificate, money, clothes, mobile phone, charger, and umbrella and so on.,I’ll take it,本地人十分好客,旅游增长了我的见识,Delicacies,我的长途旅行是厦门,Wow,时代杂志称它为东方好莱坞,当然,有许多古装剧在那儿拍摄,我们有机会见到他吗,Calm down girls,我会在网上预订,同时享受风景,我知道我们都是吃货,衣物,手机,充电器,雨伞等等。

章:值得注意的是,旅游可能存在危险,我们要小心出去时可能会被偷和骗,要注意啊,It’s worth mentioning that travelling exist danger. We should be careful when we go out. May be cheated and stolen. Let’s pay attention. 赵:好的,那么就这么定了,OK,It's settled。


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