
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-04-22 10:02






In an area of half a square kilometer(124acres),60 percent of the Zhouzhuang's structares were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,which is from 1368 to 1911.。

在周庄这片总计有0. 5平方公望( 124英亩)的土地土,百分之六十的建筑都是建十明清时期,周庄镇内小河湖溪纵横交错,窄直的河道上横卧着14座石桥,尽显水乡小镇特有的景色。

Twin Bridges is in the northeast of the town. Shide Bridge is east-west and has a round arch,while Yongan Bridge is north-south and the bridge arch is square. Crossing the two crisscross rivers and connecting at the middle,showing distinctive views of the water-town. Twin Bridges which comprise Shide Bridge and Yongan Bridge are the most famous and is considered the symbol of Zhouzhuang. Built in Wanli era(1573一1619)of the Ming Dynasty,Zhouzhuang is surrounded and divided by lakes and rivers,14 stone bridges cross the rivers,Twin Bridges look like a Chinese old style Chinese key. In 198,were exhibited in a New York gallery. Memory of Hometown' which depicts Twin Bridges was one of the items on display and has gained the world's attention for Zhouzhuang. The painting was chosen to be the first-day cover of the United Nations' postage stamp in 1985.,38 canvases of the notable painter,Chen Yifei。


Besides these historic sights,the local folklore,traditions and legends of this water township,such as the dragon boat race,the granny tea or the Wansan home-style banquet which are formed from the immemorial civilization and history are also the indispensable elements for an unforgettable tour.。


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