
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-02-05 21:23


Major Scenic Sites。


1. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan)。


即离热带海边旅游城市三亚25公里(约7.2英里,亚龙湾位于海南省的最南端,月牙形的海湾而积为18.6平方公里(约7.2平方英里),是海南省著名景点之一,亚龙湾位于三亚市东25公里处,被视为海南最好的海滩,亚龙湾全长7. 5公哄(4.7英里),亚龙湾的美丽无与伦伦比。

With the average temperature a pleasant 25.5 ℃all year-around,Yalong Bay is situated in the southernmost part of Hainan Province 25km(about 15.5miles)away from the tropical seaside tourist city,Sanya.The scenery is amazing,with endess rolling hills,serene gulfs,clesr blue sea and silver sand beaches-three times as long as any in Hawaii.Home to several well-preserved coral reefs with tropical fish of varied kinds,colors and shapes the ocean here is crystal clear,allowing visitors to view underwater sights up 10 meters (33feet)deep from the surface.。




这个广场的设计体现了中国5000年的文明,并获中国建筑最高没计奖鲁班奖,在亚龙湾广场中伫立着一颗27米(约88. 6英尺)高的图腾柱,上面雕刻着太阳神、风神、雨神和雷神以及龙、凤、麒麟和鱼等传奇动物,从而得到了公认。

贝壳馆是以贝壳为主题,占地3 000平方米(约3 558平方码)的亚龙湾贝壳馆位于该旅游胜地的中心广场,集展览和购物为一体的综合展览馆。

When traveling through the hall,visitors will be surrounded by natural wonders dazzling each of the senses.。


In the north of Yalong Bay is the site of Butterfly Valley,which is classified into five halls that present the most precious species of butterflies in China and other countries as well.。


2. Dadonghai


Dadonghai,one of the most popular tropical seaside holiday areas in Hainan Province,is located 3 kilometers(about 1 .9 miles)southeast of downtown Sanya,between Mt. Tuziwei and Mt. Luhuitou一Dadonghai has a crescent-shaped beach 2. 3 kilometers long(about1.4 miles)and clear blue sea ,sunshine,.white sand and green trees creating a beautiful location in the Torrid Zone.。


Dadonghai has spring-like weather all year round. The water temperature is about 20℃even in winter,hence its reputation as an idyllic spot for winter holidaying and relaxation.。


3. Luhuitou Peninsula。


About 5 km(3 miles)south of Sanya City in Hainan Province lies a hill extending in the shape of an enthralling deer looking back. This hill is the very same one mentioned in the legend of the Li Minority Group. There once lived a diligent and brave hunter in the Wuzhi Mountain area so the legend goes. This young man came across a charming deer one day while out hunting in the mountain. He chased the deer for about nine days and nights,traversing numerous hills and dales.。


the deer was originally a fairy girl and was fond of the excellent character of the young man. She took a fancy to the seaside around Sanya and led the man here in the guise of a deer.They fell in love,the peninsula and the village are all named Luhuitou. Sanya City is also referred to as'Deer City'.,got married and later settled in a village here一Hence the hill,there was no way(where)for the deer to escape except into the churning sea below. Just as the hunter was about to shoot the deer with an arrow,it miraculously transformed into a beautiful and enchanting girl Surprisingly,Having reached the Luhuitou cliff edge。



The area around the statue has been turned into a park,called Luhuitou Park. The park contains the Observation Station for Halley's Comet,the white Tingchao Pavilion(a pavilion for listening to the tide).the romantic Lover Island and Monkey Hill among other attractions.。


but also a lush,Luhuitou Peninsula is not only a romantic peninsula,natural environment covered with deciduous frees and plants. It is the ideal place to spend a winter holiday in China.。


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