
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-02-21 10:16


Signs of a global economic recovery are glimmering, but are they enough to justify taking a major vacation?。






Advance bookings to Mexico are at their strongest in 15 years, according to Catherine Banks, vice-president of Legacy Travel, a travel agency in the US. “Cost structure is different than most other places, ” Banks told CNN earlier this year, meaning Mexico is inherently cheap. Combine that with the negative publicity of drug-related violence and a weak world economy that is starving Mexico of its traveling business, and this country is ready to make a deal.。

美国Legacy Travel旅行社副总裁凯瑟琳??班克斯表示,“墨西哥之旅的费用结构与其他许多地方不同,”班克斯今年年初在接受CNN采访时表示,这就意味着墨西哥之旅本身就比较便宜,前往墨西哥的机票预订量创15年来最高值,由于毒品暴力的负面影响以及全球经济低迷不振,墨西哥的旅游业倍受打击,而现在这个国家已经准备好大打“旅行牌”了。

“In Cancun and Riviera Maya, there are more five-star resorts than the Caribbean and Hawaii combined, ” Banks added. “And the price isn’t even close to the same.” They’re all sitting empty and waiting for guests.。


Currency condition: The Mexican peso has been weak and inflation low in recent months, according to . Its ratio to the Chinese yuan is now 1:0.5.。


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