
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-02-25 10:52


Home to approximately 135,000 people, Canterbury is in the south-east of England in the county of Kent. It's a small city with an historic centre around the world famous cathedral. It's also a place where 'old meets contemporary' as Canterbury is home to two universities. The student population is very large, with a high proportion from overseas.。

We asked Anita Selwood, a former student and current inhabitant, what it is like to live there.。


'It offers most things a city can, but at the same time is small and manageable. There are many beautiful historic buildings, parks and quiet areas and a very large pedestrian shopping area where you can forget about cars and pollution. Kent is known as the Garden of England because of all the fruit grown there. This is very apparent when you travel outside Canterbury in spring - beautiful blossom everywhere.'。

How is it influenced by visitors and inhabitants?。

'It's a popular tourist centre. A favourite destination for a day trip for tourists based in London and French school children. The historic sites and tourist destinations are too numerous to mention. The downside of that is that the whole city centre caters for tourists, rather than inhabitants. Shop rents are also so high that only chains can afford shop/restaurant space. Many French stallholders travel to all the local markets bringing French goods, particularly food.'。

What non-British cultures do you notice?。

'Food - many restaurants, all types and nationalities. One food shop out of the city centre on way to the university caters particularly for students from South-east Asia. The University of Kent calls itself the 'European' university with a campus the other side of the Channel too.'。

Why not try and visit Canterbury for an interesting and varied tourist destination?。

British Council。


Anita Selwood曾经在坎特伯雷上学,我们问了她住在坎特伯雷有何感受,现在成了那里的居民。












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