
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-02-20 10:16


”“真的这么神”妈妈又说“海里的浪可厉害了,This afternoon, Im going to visit Weihai.妈妈对我说“海可神奇了,1、我马上就要去旅游四年级英语日记带翻译我马上就要去旅游四年级英语日记带翻译 今天下午,我就要去威海旅游啦,你一定要躲远点小心被浪扑到”My mother said to me, the sea is amazing. For example, you are sitting by the sea. Soon, you are in the sea. Really so God mother,比如说你在海边坐着,不一会儿,你就在海水里了,如果浪来了。

When I arrive as like as two peas in Weihai, I will see if the sea is exactly the same as that of my mother.,真想看看还到底有多美I went to Weihai more and more first. I really want to see how beautiful it is等我到了威海,2、said the sea waves can be severe, if the waves come. You must stay away from the waves 我越来越先去威海了,我倒要看看海,是不是和妈妈所得一模一样。


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