
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-03 10:42



National Flag One of the simplest flags, as well as one of the easiest to recognize, the Japanese flag comprises a white background with a striking red disk in the center. ① ①Since the sun rises in the east, Japan is often called "The Land of The Rising Sun." The disk in the center of the flag is called Hinomaru ( 日之丸/太阳旗),which means disk of the sun. ② ②The white background of the flag is said to represent honesty and purity.。


Hiragana ( 平假名) Katakana (片假名)。


? Japan's unique geographical conditions and a long history bred a unique Japanese culture。

sado ? It is also called the tea ceremony (tea), as a beauty since ancient times on the upper reaches of the ceremony are very popular. Now, the tea ceremony to be used as training concentration, or for training ritual behavior, for the general public are widely accepted.。

Judo ? Judo in the world has wide reputation. Judo is not the basic principles of attack, but a use of each other's forces of the Body, judo belt home with the level of the color。

Sumo ? Sumo, ancient elements dance, originated in China's Han Dynasty, by two Hercules topless, wrestling each other.。

kimono ? Kimono is a traditional Japanese national costume call. Japan also said it "fixtures." Modelled on the Chinese Sui and Tang dynasties kimono-style clothes and Miss service r...。

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