
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-01-05 10:21





Where can I get the boarding pass?我在哪里换登机牌。

I want to book a seat to New York.我想预定一张去纽约的机票。

I want a one-way ticket for June 23rd.我想订一张6月23号的单程机票。

Which way is that?要走哪条路。

I want a round trip ticket. 我要一张往返票。

What time will be the next flight?下一班飞机是什么时间。

Excuse me. Where is boarding gate 3?打扰一下,请问3号登机门在哪里。

Will you be traveling in first class or economy?您要头等舱的,还是要经济舱的。

Is there a discount? 打折吗?。

I want to take a direct flight.我想搭乘直飞的航班。

I'd like to cancel my reservation to London. 我想取消我预定的去伦敦的航班。

What if I want to put off my flight? 如果我想推迟我的航班怎么办?。

Taking a Taxi。


How much does it cost to take a taxi to this address?乘坐出租车去这个地址需要多少钱。

Take me to this address, please.请带我到这个地址。

Hilton hotel, please.请到希尔顿酒店。

Let me off here.让我在这下车。

Anywhere around here is fine.这附近的任何地方都可以。

Keep the change.(零钱)不用找了。

At a Hotel。


I would like to book a room.我想订一个房间。

I'd like a single room.我想要单人房。

I’d like to book a double room for 3 nights.我想要订一间双人房住三个晚上。

How much is a double room per night?双人房一晚多少钱。

I'd like a room with a nice view.我想要一间景观很好的房间。

Can I have an extra bed for my room?我可以在房间里加一张床吗。

I’m arriving late. Please keep my reservation.我会晚点到,请帮我保留预定。

When does the dining-room open?餐厅什么时间开放。

When is breakfast served?早餐什么时候供应。

Where can I keep my valuables?哪里可以寄存我的贵重物品呢。

I'd like to order room service, please.我想要预定客房服务。

I would like to have a wake-up call at 5:30.我想要预订一个5:30的叫早服务。

What is the check-out time at this hotel?这间宾馆的退房时间是几点。

Do you have a bus service to and from the airport?你这里有接送机巴士服务吗。

Could you show me my room?我能看一下房间吗。

Where is the elevator?电梯在哪。

Where is the emergency exit?紧急出口在哪。

The bed sheets are dirty.床单是脏的。

There's no hot water in my room.房间里没有热水。

The air-conditioner is not working.空调是坏的。

I'd like to check out.我想要退房。

At a restaurant。


Do you have any free tables?有空桌吗。

Could I see the menu, please?请给我看一下菜单。

Do you have any specials?你们有特价菜吗。

What is this dish?这道菜是什么。

I'm allergic to dairy products.我对奶制品过敏。

How long will it take?要多久。

Could we have some more bread?可以给我们多一些面包吗。

Thanks, that was delicious.谢谢,这道菜很美味。

This isn't what I ordered.这不是我点的。

We've been waiting a long time.我们已经等了很长时间了。

Is our meal on its way?我们点的菜快好了吗。

Could we have the bill, please?请把账单给我们好吗。

Can we pay separately?我们可以分开付账吗。



May I try this on?我可以试穿这件吗。

Do I need to pay tax?我需要支付税费吗。

Can I pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡支付吗。

It’s too expensive.这件太贵了。

Can you come down a little bit?你可以便宜点吗。

Is this your final price?这是最终的价格了吗。

I’d like one size up.我想要大一号的。

I’ll take this one.我要这一件。

Where is the cashier?收款台在哪。

Where can I change money.在哪里可以兑换货币。

Is there an ATM machine around here?附近有自动取款机吗。

Common language。


I can't speak English .我不懂英文。

Excuse me 劳驾。

Could you do me a favor? 能够帮我忙吗?。

Take care 保重!。

Please say it again 请再说一次。

How are you? 你好吗?。

Anyway 总之

Actually 实际上。

Thank you very much 谢谢!。

May I smoke here? 能在这里吸烟吗?。

May I ask something? 我想问点事情。

Where is the toilet 厕所在哪里?。

I am tired 我很累。

Whom should I ask to?我应该问谁?。

What time is it now? 现在几点了?。

Could you tell me how to fill in 请告诉我如何填写。

How long will we stop here? 我们在这里停留多久?。

Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币?。

What is the exchange rate ? 兑换率是多少?。

I’d like some small change? 请将大钞换成零钱。

Where is the tourist information centre ? 请问旅游问讯处在哪里?。

Where can I get a ticket ? 在哪里买票?。

Could you tell me when we get there ? 请问几点能够到达那里。


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