
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-04-11 14:15






园区按照“一带、两园、八区”的园区结构布局,利用“公司+合作社+农户”的产业化经营模式,建成标准化篱壁型果园及林下养殖基地、5000吨保鲜气调库、 冷链配送中心、科普展馆、主题旅游、休闲度假、文化创意于一体的生态休闲农业与乡村旅游示范点、山区特色农业示范基地、农业文化主题公园。

1、主要建设设日光温室、暖棚、冷库、深加工基地、 垂钓园、游泳馆等。







村民人均增收100100元,由于项目建设是村民用荒山入股形式,全部建成后,当项目建成后,年收入20400万元,1、 经济效益:本项目建设期为十年。

2、 社会效益:(1)、美化荒山玉泉山生态农业产业园的开发建设不仅给玉田、唐山、天津、北京城乡居民带来休闲旅游、农业体验的好去处,美化了环境,也形成绿色长廊,通过林相调整,封山育林,绿化覆盖率大大提高,(2)陶冶情操,(3)城市的氧吧。






Basic information of the project。

Project unit: Yutian culture, radio, television, news and publication bureau。

Project address: Yuquan mountain ecological park is located in Tuan Cheng village, Tang Zi tou Town, Yutian county.。

Planned area: 10000 mu。

Mode of cooperation: business cooperation Investment (financing) objects: investor。

Project profile。

In accordance with the layout of the park structure of 'one belt, two gardens and eight districts', make use of the industrial management model of 'company + cooperation + peasant household'and build a standardized hedgerow type orchard, ecological leisure agriculture, rural tourism demonstration spots, mountain characteristic agriculture demonstration bases and agricultural culture theme parks integrating undergrowth base, 5000 tons of fresh air storage, cold chain distribution center, popular science exhibition hall, theme tourism, leisure holiday and cultural creativity.。

Construction content。

1.Mainly building solar greenhouse, greenhouse, cold storage, deep processing base, fishing garden, n3t3torium 3nd so o门.。

2.Establish agricultural teaching and research base and first-class elderly activity center.。

3.Use waste rock mines to build geological parks and outdoor sports centers.。

4.Design and transform old cottages and build folk culture villages.。

5.Make use of abandoned reservoirs, dig deep and reinforce dams and carry out aquaculture.。

The bright spots of investment。

The project owns the advantages of convenient transportation, superior geographical location, abundant tourist resources and concentrated tourism resources. There are more than 4000 ancient pear trees in the village for thousands of years with long histories and telecommunications facilities are perfect.。

Investment estimation。

The overall investment of this project is 1.54 billion yuan.。

Benefit analysis。

1.Economic benefit: the construction period of this project is ten years. After the completion of the project, the annual income is 204 million yuan. As the project construction bought by villagers in the cost of barren mountain. The villagers' per capita income increase by 100100 yuan after the project is completed.。

2.Social benefit: (1) the development andconstruction of the ecological agricultural industrial park of Yuquan mountain beautifying the barren hills not only brings residents from Yutian, Tangshan, Tianjin, and Beijing urban and rural areas a good place for leisure tourism and agricultural experience, but also forms a green corridor. Through the adjustment of forest forms, close hillsides to facilitate afforestation, which greatly improve green coverage ratio and environment quality, improved and the environment has been beautified; (2) Cultivate sentiment; (3) Becomes the urban oxygen bar.。

Progress of the project。

It invest 50 million yuan, 190 million yuan and 1.2 billion yuan in first, second and third stage respectively.。

Project inquiries。

Contact: Yang Junchao。

Contact phone: 0315-6185033。

Contact address: No. 1459, no end West Street, Yutian County。



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