
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-30 10:15


Task:International travel sometimes lead people have some prejudices rather。

than broad minds,why? How to improve the understanding of countries they。


of refreshment. Many people desire to expand their minds and enrich their。

experience of the world during the process of visiting their dream tourism。

destination. However, some problems inevitably ensue. Instead of feeling the。

pleasure of travel, what some sightseers feel are only culture prejudice,。

conflicts and misunderstandings.。

First, historical differences and diverse customs, to some extent,。

contribute to the bias, misunderstandings and even hostility. A case in point is。

that eating dog meat is permissble and understandable in some minority areas in。

China. More precisely, Taiwan people might be quite amazed when hearing or。

seeing dog meat is edible, for it is illicit and forbidden to persecute dogs in。

Taiwan. It is conceivable that Taiwan tourists might be quite shocked and。

disappointed when visiting some Korean minority areas in Mainland in China.。

People there always take dog meat as delicious foods.。

Further, some sightseers’ deeply rooted concept, and diverse life。

experience account for the appearance of culture prejudice. To illustrate, a。

kind of benediction like may you children become a dragon might be acceptable in。

Chinese culture. However, westerns might consider this kind of malediction as a。

curse for their children, for dragon equals to monster in western culture.。

Several methods should be adopted to help tourists minimize the potential。

culture bias or emotional misunderstanding. Primarily, before paying a visit to。

one tourism destination, it is feasible to specialize in the customs, histories。

and local people’s lifestyle. For example, if a western visitor aims to do some。

sightseeing in the Chinese minority areas like Tibet, it is wise to get to know。

some taboo, learn some simple minority language and the minority tradition.。

Also, efforts should be made by those tourists guides or local mass media to。

disseminate local cultures and popularize some relevant travel taboo. In this。

sense, people will acquire the first-hand knowledge and thus have a deeper。

insight into a new country.。

Overall, it is no easy task to iron out possible bias and conflicts before。

visiting some hot scenic spots. However, memorable travel experience favors the。

orepared minds.。

(359 words)。


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