
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-04-07 10:33





2. A + B

3. A非 + B

4. A非 + B非


关于tensions 分析。

l 环境―交通(飞机,火车,汽车,土地,)。

l 经济―原有原始的经济,农业为主。

l 政治:危机

l 文化――中国CBA。


l 物质紧张

l 精神紧张

写作三层次:论点 + 论证 + 论据。


Despite the tensions, international tourism contributes to the understanding between people from different cultures, religions, races, and political ideas. This is because the tourism per se is more than appreciating the beautiful, brilliant natural landscapes, cultural traditions, or interesting customs. It is a kind of contacts. To contact is to communicate. Communication naturally promotes understandings. For instance, the Americans who traveled to Tibet tend to understand why Chinese governments insist that Tibet be a part of the Chinese territory and it should never be separated from the Chinese sovereignty. In fact, religious understanding serves as another telling example. The Christians who visit an Islamic attraction are more easily to accept that different religious should be able to coexist.。

To sum up, the international tourism helps people understand each other although it has caused some tensions.。


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