
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-02-26 10:50










? 由于中外历史文化不同,任何影响跨文化交际的因素都需要在翻译中化解,? 而翻译的目的是为了跨文化交际的顺利进行,I. Functional translation theory and travelling English translation? 一、旅游英语翻译的核心是“文化转换”与“交际互动”? 旅游英语翻译中历史文化词汇的翻译在很大程度上体现了功能翻译理论的核心思想,很多中国特有的历史名称对外国人来说很难理解。

? 赖斯就曾明确指出,? 二、根据旅游资料的核心要求重构译文内容和形式? 旅游资料这类“诱导型”文本的翻译以有效传递信息、唤起读者感应和行动为核心要求,决定原文文本信息的选择以及译文的表现形式,对于辞藻华丽重诱导的文本,译者可以根据翻译要求对原文内容和形式做相应灵活的处理,? 功能翻译学派认为,翻译时常常要对原文做彻底的改变。

? 信息性(informative)、? 诱导性(inductive)和? 匿名性(anonymous)? 是旅游景点介绍这类文本的主要特点,三、根据旅游资料的文体功能采用适当的翻译策略? 从文体功能特征来看。

? 为了使译文读者获取与原文读者相同的反应,有时甚至需要重构译文文本,旅游资料翻译译者偏离原文内容和形式的现象不可避免地会比其他类翻译多一些。

对原文中一些带有原语文化色彩和历史背景的重要信息,对原文中一些带有原语文化色彩和历史背景的重要信息,传说白娘子曾经在这里修炼释义增补法由于地域不同、历史不同、文化背景不同,两个民族对同一事物的理解也存在着很大差异,但外国人却一无所知,在这种情况下,就可以添加解释性翻译,将这部分知识补充出来,做到内外有别,林子的边上原来有一个洞,两个民族对同一事物的理解也存在着很大差异,但外国人却一无所知,在这种情况下,就可以添加解释性翻译,将这部分知识补充出来,做到内外有别,林子的边上原来有一个洞,避免译语读者的误解甚至不解,避免译语读者的误解甚至不解,1. 释义增补法由于地域不同、历史不同、文化背景不同,有些内容在原语国家可能尽人皆知,有些内容在原语国家可能尽人皆知,传说白娘子曾经在这里修炼Near the forest there once was a cave which was said to be the very place where Lady White cultivated herself,Near the forest there once was a cave which was said to be the very place where Lady White, the legendary heroine of The Story of the White Snake, cultivated herself according to Buddhist doctrine. II. Skills of Tourism Translation。

II. Skills of Tourism Translation 西安古称长安.Xi’ an was called Changan, or‘everlasting peace’ in ancient times,端午节那天,人们都要吃粽子,During the Dragon Boat Festival (which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month), it is a common practice to eat Zongzi, which is a rice pudding wrapped up with weed leaves. 大乘寺坐北朝南,院墙按八卦建造,The Great Vehicle Temple faces south with its walls shaped after the Eight Diagrams (combinations of three whole or broken lines formerly used in divination).。

扬州早已是一个兴旺发达的城市了During the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736—1795) of the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911) , Yangzhou was already a prosperous city. 三官殿里有一株茶花树,三官殿里有一株茶花树,在寒冬腊月开出一树鲜花,因此又名“耐冬”,在寒冬腊月开出一树鲜花,因此又名“耐冬”,璀璨如锦,璀璨如锦,There is a camellia tree in the Sanguan Palace blooming fully in midwinter, so it is called Naidong, meaning it can stand bitterly cold winters.,清朝乾隆年间。

? 傣族的“泼水节”? Water- Sprinkling Festival? —an important festival for the Dai nationality to wish everyone happiness by splashing water to each other,? “端午节”? Dragon Boat Festival? —a festival to memorize Quyua—a famous poet and statesman of Chu Kingdom in the Warring States Period, who finally killed himself by plunging into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in the year BC 295 )。

游客根本听不懂,游客根本听不懂,同时略去较为次要的“五月运回成都”,同时略去较为次要的“五月运回成都”,如果直接按字面翻译,如果直接按字面翻译,五月运回成都,五月运回成都,如果不是对中国历史有相当的了解,如果不是对中国历史有相当的了解,八月葬于惠陵,八月葬于惠陵,不妨考虑改变说法,换用公元纪年和今天的地名,不妨考虑改变说法,换用公元纪年和今天的地名,这时就不得不改变说法,这时就不得不改变说法,有些名词、术语是该国家或该地区特有的,有些名词、术语是该国家或该地区特有的,这里的时间和地点都毫无意义,这里的时间和地点都毫无意义,转译法在旅游翻译中,在成都武侯祠的介绍中有这样的句子:刘备章武三年病死于白帝城永安宫,在成都武侯祠的介绍中有这样的句子:刘备章武三年病死于白帝城永安宫,其中的“章武三年”和“白帝城”就是两个难点,其中的“章武三年”和“白帝城”就是两个难点,II. Skills of Tourism Translation 3. 转译法在旅游翻译中,这句话想让普通的外国游客弄明白并非易事,Liu Bei died of illness in 223 at present-day Fengjie county of Sichuan Province and was buried here in the same year. 这句话想让普通的外国游客弄明白并非易事,例如,例如。

故宫耗时14 年,整个工程于1420 年结束,1) The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was finished in 1420, 70 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.2) The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was finished in 1420, 14 years before Shakespeare was born.。

常会引用一段名人的话或者中国古诗作验证,常会引用一段名人的话或者中国古诗作验证,可是这类补充性信息对外国人和译员来说,可是这类补充性信息对外国人和译员来说,并从中得到艺术享受,却往往是不大不小的负担,在旅游翻译时,如果没有特别目的和要求,并从中得到艺术享受,却往往是不大不小的负担,在旅游翻译时,如果没有特别目的和要求,甚至有时候这些描述不但对原文理解没有帮助,甚至有时候这些描述不但对原文理解没有帮助,还会让游客更觉糊涂,这样会让读者或听者加深印象,这样会让读者或听者加深印象,还会让游客更觉糊涂,4. 删减重组法中国人在描写完一个景色之后,这样的文字常可删去,这样的文字常可删去,II. Skills of Tourism Translation 4. 删减重组法中国人在描写完一个景色之后。

说明沣水在远古就是一条著名的河流,说明沣水在远古就是一条著名的河流,尚书禹贡:“漆沮既从,尚书禹贡:“漆沮既从,唐代诗人白居易的“长恨歌”中有“春寒赐浴华清池,唐代诗人白居易的“长恨歌”中有“春寒赐浴华清池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句,即有关这条河的记载,即有关这条河的记载,)在我国最早的典籍中,华清池内有一贵妃池,II. Skills of Tourism Translation 1)在我国最早的典籍中,沣水攸同”,沣水攸同”,诗经大雅:“沣水东注,Records about this river can be found even in the earliest Chinese classics, which proves that the Feng River has been well known since ancient times. 2) 华清池内有一贵妃池,维禹之绩”,Inside the Huachingchih Spring, there is a bathing pool called Kueifeichih which is said to have been the bathing place of Yang kueifei. The famous poet Po chu-I of the Tang Dynasty wrote “The Ballad of Endless Woe ” which contains the following verses : “I was in the chilly springtime They bathed in Huaching lakeAnd in the tepid(微温的) watersThe crusted winter slack.”。

华白如雪、香气扑鼻 的银桂,意义相似甚至雷同给人的感觉也不一定美,这种华丽并不实用,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来,红里透黄、花多味浓的紫砂桂,(上海桂花节 ):满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂,只要把美好的感觉传达给客人就可以了,汉语在介绍美景时倾向于使用华丽的词藻和各种各样的修辞格,花色似银、季季有花的司机规,甚至几个连用的词表示的都是类似的意思,在英语口语中,所以翻译的时候可做适当的删减,竞相开放,争妍媲美,进入桂林公园,The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these threes in different colours are in full bloom which pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.。

III. Practice in tourism translation 天坛: the Alter to the Gods of the Soil and Grain金銮殿:圆明园:太和殿:拙政园: 稻香村:Throne HallOld Summer PalaceThe Throne Hall of Supreme HarmonyHumble Administrator’s Garden6) Paddy Sweet Cottage。

武夷山自然保护区Wuyishan Nature Reserve西湖风景名胜区Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Xihu,III. Practice in tourism translation 杭州——Hangzhou 青浦——Qingpu衡山——Hengshan 渤海——the Bohai Sea峨眉山Mount Emei 五台山Wutai Mountain。

III. Practice in tourism translation 昭君墓中山陵黄继光纪念馆东海昭君墓中山陵黄继光纪念馆东海邛海大滩海牛尾海蜀南竹海Tomb of Wang ZhaojunSun Yat-sen’s MausoleumHuang Jiguang Memorialthe East China Sea,the Qionghai Lake,Long Harbour,Port Shelter,the Bamboo Forest in SouthernSichuan。

III. Practice in tourism translation 李准滩Lizhun Bank鲁班暗沙Luban Shoal(浅滩)西域Xiyu, the Western Regions (a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan Pass, including what is now Xinjang Uygur Autonomous Region and parts of Central Asia. )。

III. Practice in tourism translation 回族the Hui nationality (或the Huis)彝族the Yi nationality(或the Yis)藏族the Zang(Tibetan) nationality (the Zangs, the Tibetans)。

III. Practice in tourism translation 维吾尔族医学Uygur medicine彝族人the Yi People。

资源丰富、文化灿烂、民族团结、社会进步的国家,资源丰富、文化灿烂、民族团结、社会进步的国家,人口约中国,是世界上人口最多的国家,是世界上人口最多的国家,? 中国,他的名字叫“中国”,他的名字叫“中国”,? 畅 游 中 国? 遥远的地方有一条龙,是一个幅员辽阔,位于亚洲东部,太平洋西岸,是一个幅员辽阔,位于亚洲东部,太平洋西岸,? Far at the ends of the earth is there a dragon, whose name is “China”.? China is a nation with a vast territory,共有56个民族,人口约13 亿,个民族,being the most populous country in the world, with a population of 1.3 billion, and 56 nationalities. III. Practice in tourism translation,rich resources, a glittering culture, a steadfast national solidarity, and a high level of social development. It stands in the east of Asia,遥远的地方有一条龙,on the west bank of the Pacific Ocean。

? 5000年来,中华儿女勤劳而智慧的人文创造和天开万物造就的自然景观为中国大地留下了景象骄人、数量繁多的名胜古迹,中华儿女勤劳而智慧的人文创造和天开万物造就的自然景观为中国大地留下了景象骄人、数量繁多的名胜古迹,也创造了辉煌绚丽、影响深远的文化艺术,也创造了辉煌绚丽、影响深远的文化艺术,年来,? In the past 5,000 years,the cultural creation by the industrious and wise Chinese people and the unique God-given natural landscape have left multitudinous places of historic interest and scenic beauty on the land of China, and have also generated resplendent and far-reaching culture and arts.III. Practice in tourism translation。

? 1949年,每年的10 月1日,日,为中国法定国庆日,为中国法定国庆日,中国共产党领导中国各族人民建立了中华人民共和国,中国共产党领导中国各族人民建立了中华人民共和国,? In 1949,每年的年,led by the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese people of all nationalities founded the People's Republic of China. October 1 each year is China's legal National Day. III. Practice in tourism translation。

? 发展中的中国自然资源丰富,发展中的中国自然资源丰富,特别是旅游业发展迅速,特别是旅游业发展迅速,有众多矿物资源,农业在国民经济占很大比重,许多工业产品居世界前列,有众多矿物资源,农业在国民经济占很大比重,许多工业产品居世界前列,? The developing China is rich in natural resources,including numerous mineral resources. Its agriculture accounts for a great proportion in national economy, many industrial products rank first in the world,and especially its tourist industry grows very fast.III. Practice in tourism translation。

? 中国作为世界古代文明的发祥地之一,约于西元七世纪由阿拉伯传入中国,约于西元七世纪由阿拉伯传入中国,中国作为世界古代文明的发祥地之一,也是一个融合和吸纳了世界多个民族优秀文化和传统的国家,世界三大宗教之一的伊斯兰教,也是一个融合和吸纳了世界多个民族优秀文化和传统的国家,世界三大宗教之一的伊斯兰教,? As one of the cradle lands of ancient civilization of the world, China is also a nation that has melted and absorbed the excellent cultures and traditions of many nations in the world. One of the three major religions of the world, Islamism,was introduced into China via Arabia in about the seventh century A.D. III. Practice in tourism translation,同时,同时。

? 在漫漫的历史长河中,在漫漫的历史长河中,是中国和阿拉伯的使者、商人架起了中阿两大地区间经济文化交流的桥梁,是他们把这一具有世界影响的宗教移植和传播到中国,是中国和阿拉伯的使者、商人架起了中阿两大地区间经济文化交流的桥梁,是他们把这一具有世界影响的宗教移植和传播到中国,? In the very long course of history,it was the Chinese and Arabic emissaries and merchants who built up the bridge of economic and cultural exchange between China and Arab, and it was they who transplanted and spread this world-famous religion into China. III. Practice in tourism translation。

? 不仅拥有巍峨的山川,不仅拥有巍峨的山川,秀美河流,雄伟的古代建筑艺术,还有数不尽的名胜古迹,秀美河流,雄伟的古代建筑艺术,还有数不尽的名胜古迹,? It not only has lofty mountains, charming rivers,grand ancient architecture,but also has countless places of historic interest and scenic beauty. III. Practice in tourism translation。

众多的世界自然与文化遗产闪烁着中国人民的智慧和勤劳的光芒,众多的世界自然与文化遗产闪烁着中国人民的智慧和勤劳的光芒,? So we may say, the natural landscape and human landscape are adding radiance and beauty to each other here. The rich natural and cultural heritages are glittering with the wisdom and industriousness of the Chinese people.III. Practice in tourism translation,? 可谓自然景观与人文景观交相辉映,可谓自然景观与人文景观交相辉映。

? 云冈石窟、九寨沟、黄龙、武陵源、三江并流、平遥古城、周口店北京人遗址、丽江古城、苏州古典园林等,云冈石窟、九寨沟、黄龙、武陵源、三江并流、平遥古城、周口店北京人遗址、丽江古城、苏州古典园林等,? Yungang Stone Cave, Jiu Zhai Gou, Huanglong, Wu Ling Yuan, Cocurrent Flow of Three Great Rivers, Ancient City of Pingyao, Archaeological Site of Peking Man at Zhoukoudian, Ancient City of Lijiang, Classical Parks and Gardens at Suzhou, and so on.. III. Practice in tourism translation。

? 9600000平方千米土地,? 欢迎来到中国,平方千米土地,处处充满着古老东方神韵的诱惑,处处充满着古老东方神韵的诱惑,欢迎体验龙的国度,欢迎体验龙的国度,欢迎来到中国,? Every place of the 9,600,000 km2 land is full of the temptation of the ancient Oriental verve.? Welcome to China,to taste this nation of the Dragon.III. Practice in tourism translation。

The End

? 众多的旅游名胜,在众多的旅游名胜,在2003年入境来中国旅游人数就达到年入境来中国旅游人数就达到9166.21万人次之多,吸引了大量国际国内游客,吸引了大量国际国内游客,万人次之多,? So many tourist attractions are drawing a great many tourists here from home and abroad. In 2003 alone, the tourists coming to China were as many as 91.6621 million person-times. III. Practice in tourism translation。



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