
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2020-12-31 10:29



1. Star Wars: Rogue One is set to release on December 16, 2016.。


5. Chinese direct investment in the eurozone was up 37 per cent in 2015, rising to $17.1bn from $12.5bn.。

6. Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. - The Environmental Children's Organisation. 大家好,我是Severn Suzuki,我代表儿童环境组织来此演讲。


1. About 200 million migrants, half of whom are women, sent $445 billion to their families in Asia, Latin America and Africa in 2016, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) said last Wednesday.。

2. 乔布斯在苹果大会上作专题演讲后展示MacBook Air,2008年,1月15日,旧金山。

4. 前国务卿希拉里回答道:'我将组建一个能够反映美国现状的内阁,而有半数美国人是女性,'。

6. The blocks of flats which were up to 12 storeys high in the city of Wuhan are making way for a huge new business district including a 707-metre tall skyscraper.。


而其姐妹奖,最佳动词名词化奖,1. 他赢得了名动词奖,则由另一位顾问凭借这句“全球联络”(global touch-base)摘得。

3. JUSTIFIED (FX, Jan. 20) The series-long love-hate relationship between Deputy Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) and his friend and nemesis Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) will be resolved, one way or another, in the show’s sixth and final season.。

5. The Great American Eclipse。

6. 最不淑女奖

1. In 2002, Marc Cherry (the creator of Desperate Housewives) was watching the news with his mother in her home. The lead story on the news that day (and many days before) was the Andrea Yates trial. Andrea was on trial for drowning her five children in the bathtub. Marc turned to his mother and asked, 'Could you imagine a woman being so desperate that she would murder her own children?'。

2. 这是一次及时的预警,他写道,自己的研究结果“表明,随着美联储继续实施利率正常化,未来几年新兴市场爆发危机的风险将加剧,”。

3. 《经济学人》的数据显示,在2010年,亚洲的整形手术总量超过了580万例,而在美国这个数字仅为450万多一点。

可以听到旁边的舞台管理人员说:“哦……哦,4. 镜头切换到《爱乐之城》的演员和剧组人员那里,但大家可以听到比蒂好像在说:“应该是爱玛?斯通,”当《爱乐之城》剧组上台领奖时,”而唐纳薇回应道:“什么,他们高兴得抱成一团了,天啊,他拿错信封了,”。

5. Rated 6.4 points out of 10 on the review website, some users said the drama focused too much on romance.。


将从现金中拿出300亿美元用于股票回购,苹果有一项规模更大、总额高达1300亿美元的资本回报计划,而这些回购就是这项计划的一部分,这个消息让投资者很高兴:股价暴涨,甚至在消息发布一周后,这只股票相对于标准普尔指数在这7天上涨了12%,1. 《财富》美国500强公司苹果(Apple))已宣布,将一直延续到2015年。

2. 销量高峰每日售票量约1500万张,每秒售出近700张车票。

3. Trium的学员重视与资深和国际高管一同学习的机会,一位学员表示:“它允许我们彼此交流(想法),获得和课程本身一样多的额外知识,”。



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