
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-17 10:11


《梦之旅2》是由Kat Games公司开发的一款有意思的冒险解谜类游戏,在这次的故事中,玩家需要继续帮助女主角Faye穿越梦境解开谜题,使家人团聚并拯救一个无辜的王国。



03.Fairies control natural forces but they must follow rules set by the Fairy Lord.。

04.Fairies do not want the mortal world to know about their secret ways of life.。

05.Fairies used the machine to print the first volumes of history onto stone tablets.。

06.If Fidget becomes her husband,Lilith will have total control over the dreams of mortals.。

07. It is an underground labyrinth that separates the mortal would from the ancient fairy world.。

08.Lyra could be the Chosen Child because she is the daughter of a fairy and a mortal.。

09.Merrow is an inventor who left the fairy realm and so lost his powers.。

10.Outside the prison walls lies the place where the fairies originated.。

11.The Dream Librarian prints knowledge of fairy life into volumes of books.。

12.The Dream Librarian seeks for someone to replace the Fairy Lord.。

13.The Fairy Lord went out on one of his quests,but never returend.。

14.The new Fairy Lord must have a mix of both mortal and fairy blood.。

15.The tower is where the Fairy Lord watchd over all,and where the Dream Librarian resides.。

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