
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-21 11:24






It may sound daunting, but taking time out of your trip to sit down at a cafe, glue stick, pen and journal in hand, with a cup of coffee (or glass of wine), is not as time-consuming as you may think. Most people respect the quiet time you're having.。


And I promise, you will love looking back on your journal years later to remember the feeling you had when purchasing that meal, taking that tour, or visiting that historic site. It really is magical. I consider my journals some of my most priceless possessions. Now remember to grab that glue stick before you go!。




Hi, This is Kankan. I reported these things. First, I went boat riding. Some of the Dams were Parker and Hoover. I saw a sunset, a dog rock and an elephant rock. I slept in a hotel called Quality Inn. It was a fantastic day!。


Today, I went to Oatman to fed donkeys. They are wild ones. I bought a bag of donkey food. I fed a baby that was brown. I fed a white mom. I just loved it. It was a good day!。


Today, we went to Petrified national park. We went to a trail called Crystal Forest. We saw Petrified wood. They are like gems. By the continental drift, it was hard for plants to survive. How they turned petrified was, they fell in a river and they got covered by ash and they waited to be petrified. I enjoyed the day more than anything.。


Today, I visited Hopi land. It was a Hopi village.There were three Dormitories: First Mesa, Second Mesa, Third Mesa. I visited a man named Ernie. He has a workshop. In his workshop are all amazing local jewels. He gave me a Opal. It was violet blue. There is fire in it. Today is a stupendous day!。


Today, I went to drive in Monument Valley. We almost bumped our butts off. We made our own monument. We went in Monticello to go tothe restroom. It was a science lab. I copied a wolf on a computer. I also used handles to control tarish liquid that has iron in it. I also also did was control a ball. Last, I made a rose for mom and much more. Today is a supertastic day!。


Today, I hiked on a trail in Arches national Park. It was the longest trail I ever hiked on. It was a rocky and dangerous mountain. I was extra exhausted. When I was at the top, WOW! It was an arch called Delicate Arch. It looks like Athena looking over everybody’s eyes to see if they are obeying rules. How can a loose little arch stand so high. So today was a miracle.。


1 day off!。


Today is Lunar New Year. I spent it at Las Vegas. We went on a super fast roller coaster. It was funny. We went backwards lots oftimes. We felt good. When we got off, our legs were very wobbly. As you can see, I grew up.。


At all of these exiting stuff, it was the best vacation ever!。

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