
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-13 10:03





124.I'd like some french food.我想吃法国菜。

125.Where is the restaurant?我不知道哪里有餐厅。

126.There are several around here.这附近有几家。

127.Is this deli good?请问这家熟食店的东西好吃吗。

128.You can check the tour guide.你可以参考旅游指南。

129.Any good Chinese takeout?有外带中国菜的好地方吗。

130.What kind of food do you prefer?你偏好哪种料理呢。

131.They are famous for spaghetti.他们的意大利面很有名。

132.Can you recommend one to me?你能推荐我一家好餐馆吗。

133.Which restaurant do you recommend?你觉得哪家饭店好。

134.The one in the hotel is good.饭店内那一家的料理很棒。

135.Any good local restaurants?你知道任何当地好吃的餐厅吗。

136.When do you start serving dinner?你们晚上几点开始营业呢。

137.Any good Japanese restaurants?我正在找一家好吃的日式餐厅。

138.This restaurant is a good choice.这家餐厅就是一个不错的选择。

139.Which restaurant is the best?请问这个镇上最有名的餐馆是哪家。

140.What kind of special dishes do they have,他们这里有什么特色菜。

141.How to find your way through restaurants?怎样找到你喜欢的餐厅。

142.Where is the main area for restaurants?此地餐厅多集中在那一区?。

143.Which restaurant serves good local food?哪家餐厅有提供美味的本地料理。

144.The food in this deli is generally delicious.这家熟食店的东西都很好吃。

145.Could you recommend a good restaurant near here?这附近有没有好吃的饭馆。

146.There is a good Indian restaurant called Lotus.有一家好吃的印度餐厅叫莲花。

147.Lily's restaurant is the best one in this town.莉莉的餐馆是这个镇上最棒的。

148.Do you know any restaurants that are open now?你知道现在哪里还有餐厅营业吗?。

149.Go straight and turn to the right, then you will find it.直走右转你就会看到了。

150.Do you know some nice restaurants around here?你知道这附近有什么不错的餐厅吗。

151.Can you recommend a nice restaurant around here?你能推荐一个这附近的好餐厅吗。

152.There is a good Chinese restaurant around the corner.拐角有一家不错的中国餐馆。

153.Could you recommend a special local restaurant?你能推荐一个有特色的当地餐厅吗。

154.You should try Yamasaki. They have got decent Japanese food.你可以试试山崎,他们有好吃的日本菜。

155.Have a great day.祝你有愉快的一天。

156.Can I have the menu?可以给我菜单吗。

157.What's good today?今天有什么好吃的。

158.Is there a kids menu?有儿童菜单吗。

159.We don't accept tips.我们不接受小费。

160.That's all, thank you.这样就好了,谢谢。

161.Can I get this to go.这样就好了,谢谢。

162.I'll take this and that.给我来这个和那个。

163.What would you recommend?请问有什么推荐吗。

164.Could I have napkin,please?我能要些纸巾吗。

165.Could I have a refill, please?能给我加些水吗?。

166.How many people will be dinning?你们有几个人就餐。

167.Can I get a glass of water first?我能先要一杯水吗。

168.I've been waiting for quite a while.我已经等了好久了。

169.For here or to go?/Stay or to go?在这儿吃还是带走。

170.Here is your changes and your receipt.这是找给您的零钱及账单。


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