
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-04-11 13:27


? Lake Taupo –the biggest lake in the...。




? Lake Taupo –the biggest lake in the worldIt is a volcano with no top – a top that was blown off in one of the largest and most devastating(破坏性的) eruptions ever seen on the planet. It is a great lake for adventure but what it’s really well known for is fishing. The largest natural trout fishery in the world.。

Crystal(透明的) clear waters, beautiful white sand beaches, swaying palm trees(棕榈树)and fabulous(难以置信的) dive sites的) dive sites – that s why the Maldives is known for being one of the best tropical(热带)holiday destinations in the world. that’s。

Resorts in the Maldives? Each resort(度假胜地) in the Maldives is locatedon a separate island by itself and offers an exoticoffers an exotic(奇异的、 吸引人的) blend(混合物) of modern luxury and isolated serenity(宁静) .。

Characteristics of sea restaurantunder the water 6 meterscontain 12 people at the same time。

The third station--- Athens? Parthenon Temple(帕特农神庙) It was built to commemorate(纪念)Athena(雅典娜) , because she helped Athenians beat back enemies. People regarded her as a defender(守护者)so called the capital of Greece Athens.。

?The second one: Aegean was a king and he loved his only son very much, but one day he was ii t k fin mistake for the death of his son. Then he was so sorrow and jumped into the sea, so people called it Aegean Sea.th。


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