
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-28 12:27


Every long vacation, hundreds of thousands of travelers drive out of the city to get closer to nature.More tourists now choose to drive on their vacation. The rise in private cars is one reason for the popularity in Self-Driving tourism. The rapid development of highways is another.China?s extensive highway network has shortened the distance between cities.There are pros of driving yourself: you travel as you please, ready to stop to enjoy a place that catches your eye. You can buy your groceries just like a local and even enjoy a picnic in a field or a village square.However, Self-Driving tour has its disadvantages as well. In addition to stressful driving conditions for the driver, parking charges, gas and road tolls are expensive.To drive or be driven, that is a question. I think As far as I am concerned, the pros of Self-Driving tours outweigh the cons. After all, you can choose the company you keep.Whether it is friends or family, you know these people.Traveling together can, if done right, be the basis of memories that will last a lifetime.。



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