
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-19 09:56



山形如蟠龙戏珠,舟至普陀山莲花洋时,内容提示:四大佛教名山之普陀山 普陀山位于浙江省杭州湾以东约 100 海里,普陀山集寺庙、海、沙、石于一体,普陀山观音道场始建于公元 863 年,岛外,这里相传是观音菩萨传经说法,便认为菩萨不愿离去,是舟山群岛中的一个小岛,面积 12.5 平方公里,森林面积大约75%,南北长 8.6 公里,东西宽 3.5 公里,呈狭长形,普度众生的道场,最高处佛顶山海拔 300 米,奇花异木遍布,古树参天,升腾在浩浩东海之中,海浪滔滔,白帆点点,被誉为“南海圣境”,在国内外,尤其是在东南亚各国享誉非凡,日本僧人慧锷在五台山请得一尊观音像,从宁波下海回国,遇上风涛,无法东渡,于...。




普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺为普陀山名扬海内外的三大寺,慧济禅寺建于佛顶山上,四大佛教名山之普陀山 普陀山位于浙江省杭州湾以东约 100 海里,这是普陀山最早的寺院,普陀山集寺庙、海、沙、石于一体,普陀山还有很多奇岩怪石,便认为菩萨不愿离去,普济禅寺始建于宋,法雨禅寺始建于明,舟至普陀山莲花洋时,普陀山观音道场始建于公元 863 年,岛民张氏请像供奉于家宅,山形如蟠龙戏珠,南北长 8.6 公里,东西宽 3.5 公里,是舟山群岛中的一个小岛,面积 12.5 平方公里,岛外,著名的有盘陀石、二龟听法石、海天佛国石等二十余处,最高处佛顶山海拔 300 米,森林面积大约75%,这里相传是观音菩萨传经说法,称不肯去观音院,也是现今保存的二十多所寺庵中最大的三座,于是留像于普陀山岛潮音洞侧,最著名的是潮音 Putuo Mountain Putuo Mountain, on one of the Zhoushan Islands about 100 sea miles off the eastern coast of Hangzhou Bay in Zhejiang Province, is one of the four Buddhist shrines in the country, covering an area of 12.5 square kilometers. Its main peak, the Peak of Buddhist Top, is 300 meters above sea level.,为山中供奉观音的主刹,山海相接之处有许多石洞胜景,呈狭长形,层层叠建,遇上风涛,普度众生的道场,建筑总面积约 11000 多平方米,奇花异木遍布,古树参天,升腾在浩浩东海之中,海浪滔滔,白帆点点,被誉为“南海圣境”,在国内外,尤其是在东南亚各国享誉非凡,日本僧人慧锷在五台山请得一尊观音像,从宁波下海回国,无法东渡,依山凭险,周围古木参天,极为幽静,又名佛顶山寺。

Putuo Mountain is noted for its rough terrain and exquisite landscape. The clouds like sails, scattered about, and the sea and the sky bore a same blurred color. The mountain rises alone over the East China Sea. Sailing near, one can see verdant trees, strange rocks, mysterious temples, and huge inscriptions carved on stones. The mountain also has a stretching beach and a lot of caves, surrounded by floating clouds. Putuo Mountain is famous both at home and abroad, especially among Southeast Asian countries. Its first temple is called Guanyin Temple, built in 863 AD. The island cape is encircled by numerous protruding reps and deep hidden grottoes. Putuo Mountain is not only a sacred place of Buddhism -- "Buddhist Land of South Sea", but also an ideal summer resort. It has a mild climate, intriguing surroundings and unique scenery. The three famous temples are Puji Temple, Fayu Temple and Huiji Temple, which are the three largest ones among the 20-odd existing well-preserved temples nationwide. Cultural Heritage 1. Temples。

位于中国浙江淳安县境内,The principal temple -- Puji Temple -- with more than 200 halls built in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), is the chief temple where Guanyin (a Bodhisattva) is enshrined, with an area of 11,000 square meters. The Fayu Temple, consisting of halls in six layers, is the second largest temple on the mountain and was constructed in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The Huiji Temple, built in the Ming Dynasty, is located on the top of Putuo Mountain. In front of the temple are some 1,000 stone steps. The temple, the third largest on the mountain, has four halls, seven palaces and six attics. 2. Caves and Stones Putuo Mountain is also the site of some famed stone caves, such as the Chaoyin, Chaoyang and Fanyin caves. Among them, the Chaoyin and Fanyin caves are the most renowned. When the sea surges, water tumbles into the Chaoyin Cave and bumps into the rocks inside with a thunderous roar, and looks like a madly gyrating dragon from a bird's-eye view. The Fanyin Cave (Cave of Buddhist Sound) is sandwiched between two steep cliffs of some 100 meters in height. The cave winds its way towards the sea. When the sea swells, the waters pour into the cave with thunderous roars. A stone stair leads from the mountain top to a rock platform built into the cave wall, half way above the bottom with a marvelous view of the sea. There are also many oddly-shaped stones, the 20-odd most famous ones of which include Pantuo Stone, the stone of Two Tortoises listening to preaching, and the stone of Sea and Sky Buddhist Kingdom, etc. 3. The Beaches The island is surrounded by quite a few beaches. The Baibusha Beach, along the east coast and 1.5 km. in length, is the best bathing beach. It is flat and covered with soft golden sand. 浙江千岛湖 千岛湖,它是国务院首批公布的 44 处国家级风景区之一,也是目前国内最大的国家级森林公园,它是 1959 年为建造新安江水电站而筑坝蓄水形成的人工湖。

旅游资源进一步开发和知名度进一步提高,千岛湖国家森林公园拥有 448 平方公里的森林面积,茂密的森林净化了千岛湖的大气环境,湖内淡水鱼有 87 种,透明度可达 7 米,森林覆盖率已达 81%,千岛湖水域面积 573 平方公里,共有植物 1786 种,生态环境佳绝,优美的自然风光和良好的生态环境,而随着交通条件的进一步完善,千岛湖山水天下秀,千岛湖四周群山连绵,不经任何处理即可达饮用水标准,年捕鱼量达 4000多吨,使千岛湖展现出广阔的发展前景,资源丰富,闻名的有:无核柿、金丝蜜枣、山核桃、淡水鱼干、野生蕨菜干,它将成为世界旅游的热点,平均水深 34 米,属国家一级水体,空气十分洁净,林木繁茂,鸟语花香,盛产茶叶、蚕桑、木材、毛竹等,且四季时新鲜果,土特产品不断,Qiandao Lake (Thousand-Island Lake)。

Located in Chun'an County of Zhejiang Province, the Qiandao Lake is among the first 44 national scenic spots proclaimed by the State Council, and also the largest national forest park at present. It is a man-made reservoir formed during the construction of Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station in 1959. The Qiandao Lake National Forest Park covers a forested area of 448 square kilometers, with a forest coverage rate of 81%. The dense forests have purified the air of the surrounding areas. The water area of the Qiandao Lake amounts to 573 square kilometers and has an average depth of 34 meters and the visibility of 7 meters. As national first-class water, it is so pure that it can be drunk directly. Embraced by green hills, the Qiandao Lake has a superexcellent entironment with numerous species of wild birds and rich resources. It has 1,786 kinds of plants and abounds in tea, mulberry, wood, and bamboo. With 87 kinds of freshwater fish in the lake, the annual volume of fish caught reaches over 4,000 tons. The lake is also famous for its fruits of four seasons, such as persimmon without fruit stone, sweet spun gold jujube, mountain walnut, dried freshwater fish, and dried wild brake tender leaves. The whole lake area is divided into five small parts, namely the northeast part, the southeast part, the northwest part, the southwest part and the central part. After large-scale reconstructions in recent years, the lake formed 14 scenic spots of 6 sections including the Xian Hill, the Screen Peak, the Plum Peak, the Dragon Hill, the Animal-Series, and the Stone Forest. The Qiandao Lake has a promising future with its fascinating scenery and excellent entironment. It will become one of the world hot scenic spots。

西湖有武林水、明圣湖、金中湖、龙川、钱源、钱塘湖、上湖等名称,最有名的当属“西湖十景”和“西湖新十景”,一山(孤山)、二堤(白堤和苏堤)、三岛(小瀛洲、湖心亭和阮公墩)把全湖分为外湖、北里湖、西里湖、岳湖和小南湖,都与西湖结下不解之缘,关于“西湖”这个名称,笔吮鸪鲂牟玫匕盐骱茸髦泄糯抵械拿廊宋魇谑牵骱侄嗔艘桓觥拔髯雍钡难藕拧 西湖一年四季,在西湖景色中,绕湖周长近 15 公里,如著名的白居易、苏东坡、柳永、潘天寿等,西湖还因众多的历史文化名人而著称,西湖十景分别为:苏堤春晓、断桥残雪、曲院风荷、三潭映月、花港观鱼、雷峰夕照、南屏晚钟、平湖秋月、柳浪闻莺、双峰插云,山色空?饔暌嗥妗S盐骱任髯樱迸ㄗ芟嘁恕,苏东坡守杭时,人称“西湖双十景”,西湖新十景则包括虎跑梦泉、龙井问茶、宝石流霞、吴山天风、玉皇飞云、黄龙吐翠、满陇桂雨、九溪烟树、阮敦环碧、云栖竹径,along with the further improvement of traffic, exploitation of tour resources and enhancement of reputation 杭州西湖 西湖位于浙江省杭州市,他们的英名和浩然正气长留于西湖的青山绿水之间,他咏诗赞美西湖说:“水光潋滟晴方好,中国历史上的英雄俊杰岳飞、于谦、张若水、秋瑾等,都埋骨西子湖畔,最早开始于唐朝,她三面青山环绕,是斐声中外的风景旅游胜地,中间碧波荡漾,面积 5.6 平方公里,在唐以前,到了宋朝,一日四时,皆有佳景,各具神韵,古代的诗人画家,留下了无数千古流芳的名篇,West Lake。

Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers. The whole lake is divided into 5 sections, namely the Outer Lake, North Inner Lake, Yue Lake and Little South Lake, by Gu Hill, Sudi Causeway, Baiti Causeway and Ruangong Mound. The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake.。

鉴湖为浙江省省级风景名胜区,由东跨湖桥、快阁、三山、清水闸、柯岩、湖塘 6 个景区和湖南山旅游活动区组成,鉴湖面积约 30.44 平方公里,其主干道东起亭山,为浙江名湖之一,是一处适合观光游览、休闲度假的江南水乡型风景名胜区,又称长湖、大湖、庆湖,The beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake. The Ten Sights in West Lake are Melting Snow at Broken Bridge, Spring Dawn at Sudi Causeway, Sunset Glow over Leifeng Hill, Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard, Autumn Moon on Calm Lake, Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows, Viewing Fish at Flowers Harbor, Evening Bell at Nanping Hill, Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, and Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds. The Ten New Sights in West Lake are Dream Spring of Hupao, Tea-tasting at Dragon Well, Gem Bathed in Flowing Rosy Clouds, Heaven Wind over Wushan Mountain, Scud over Yuhuang, Yellow Dragon Spitting Greenness, Rains of Sweet-scented Osmanthus Over Hills, Trees in Mist by the Nine Rivulets, Ruan Mound in Green, Cloud Dwelling and Bamboo Path. The West Lake is also famous for its historical flavor with numerous celebrities. National heroes Yue Fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Ruoshui and Qiu Jin were all buried along the West Lake, leaving their illustrious names and noble spirits in the green hills and blue waters. Moreover, many ancient poets and artists, such as Bai Juyi, Su Dongpo, Liu Yong and Pan Tianshou, had also left countless famous writings. 浙江鉴湖 鉴湖亦即为镜湖,它位于浙江省绍兴城西南,西至湖塘,长 22.5 公里,形如一条宽窄相间的河道,镶嵌在绍兴平原之上。

就是陆游的故里三山,鉴湖是南宋爱国诗人陆游的故里,这是行宫山、韩家山、石堰山三座小山之间的临湖小村,鉴湖水质非常好,鉴湖湖面宽阔,如今这里还有快阁、三山遗址,快阁向西行数里,快阁地处东跨湖桥以西的鉴湖北岸,鉴湖不仅有独特的自然风光,是陆游中年时赋诗读书处,现尚存清代建筑数间,驰名中外的绍兴老酒,即用此湖水酿造,泛舟其中,近处碧波映照,远处青山重叠,有在镜中游之感,还有许多名胜古迹为之增色,后改为陆放翁祠,对岸有山阴道直通兰亭,古名西村,现在故居虽废,风景依旧,一派江南湖光山色,使人流连忘返,Jianhu Lake The Jianhu Lake, also known as the Mirror Lake, is located in the southwest of Shaoxing City in Zhejiang Province. As a famous lake in Zhejiang, the Jianghu Lake covers an area of 30.5 square kilometers and is 22.5 kilometers long from Tinshan Hill in the east to the Hutang Pool in the west. It looks like a river course running in the Shaoxing Plain. The Jianhu Lake is a provincial scenic spot and a perfect entertainment resort which is composed of the South Hill Recreation Area and 6 sights in the east, namely the Lake Bridge, the Kuaige Pavilion, the Three Hills, the Qingshui Flood Gate, the Keyan Rock and the Hutang Pool.。

东涧水从中峰白龙洞环流雪窦寺南,瀑布自崖口出,The water in the Jianhu Lake is pure and it is from this water that the world-famous Shaoxing Wine is made. Going boating in the vast lake surrounded by green hills, one will feel like touring around a fairyland cast in a mirror. Besides beautiful natural landscapes, the lake also has many historic sites. It is the hometown of the renowned poet Lu You of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). The sites of the Kuaige Pavilion and the Three Hills were built in memory of him. Lying on the north side of the Jianhu Lake, the Kuaige Pavilion was the place where Lu You studied in his middle age. The pavilion then changed its name to the Lufangweng Ancestral Temple, with several old buildings of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Walking several kilometers from the pavilion to the west, one can find the Three Hills, namely the Xinggong Hill, the Hanjia Hill, and the Shiyan Hill. Lying in these hills is a small village that is the birthplace of Lu You. Though his former residence has been abandoned, the beautiful scenery has not changed, making visitors forget to return. 浙江千丈岩瀑布(无英文导游词) 千丈岩瀑布位于浙江省宁波御书亭西 400 米处,故名千丈岩,西涧水自屏风山上雪峰玉龙洞十八折而下,高千仞,穿关山桥出崖口奔泻而下,也称飞雪岩,西部崖顶那有飞雪亭,供游人俯览瀑布,水源来自东西两涧水,相汇于雪窦寺前的伏龙桥,落差 171 米,从御书亭经百步,崖壁如削,跌至潭底,流经锦镜池畔,至半腰撞击突出巨岩,顿时水花四射,再折而崩泻,经阳光折射,五彩缤纷,蔚为壮观。

雁荡大龙湫瀑布 雁荡大龙湫瀑布为浙江省雁荡山胜景,大龙湫瀑布真是千变万化,除了上面介绍的大龙湫瀑布外,还有小龙湫和三折瀑等有名的瀑布,瀑流从半空中漂洒而下,水从洞顶泻而下,大龙湫的最奇绝之处,大龙湫又是另一番景象,雁荡山的瀑布和贵州黄果树大瀑布的风格迥然而异,雁荡山有许多瀑布,从连云峰凌空泻下,像从银河倒泻下来,它与贵州黄果树瀑布、黄河壶口瀑布、黑龙江吊水楼瀑布并称中国四大瀑布,三折瀑是同一水流历经三处悬崖,为中国瀑布之最,中折瀑周围的悬崖,在于因季节、晴雨等变化呈现出多姿多彩的迷人景象,站在桥上,寒气袭人,水沫溅人,而是以其优美的姿态打动游人,非常优美,从半空中猛扑下来,而大龙湫独以其落差为 190 余米取胜,仰望瀑布,瀑布如珠帘下垂,瀑布呈现出色彩绚丽的五色长虹的奇观,成为上中下三个飞瀑,有“天下第一瀑”之誉,以中折瀑最为动人,流经龙湫背,潭旁建有仰止桥、午雷亭,大龙湫象一条发怒的银龙,盛夏季节,水雾笼罩,它不是以大取胜,瀑流发源于百岗尖,景色格外迷人,阶,可至千丈岩底,有一深潭,潭水清澈碧绿,惊心动魄,十分壮观,雷雨初过,声如雷鸣,震天撼地,气势雄壮,在晴朗的冬日,阳光照射时,在阳春三月,雨水稀少,不到几丈,就化为烟云,不可捉摸,有名称的达十八处,其中,有如一个半圆形的洞穴,飘飘忽忽,Dalongqiu Waterfall in Yandang。

Being the superb scenic spot in the Yandang Mountain, the Dalongqiu Waterfall has its source in Baigangjian. After flowing pass Longqiu Back, it rushes down from the Lianyun Peak with a fall of 197 meters, looking like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky. It is reputed as the first waterfall under heaven, attracting poets and writers through the ages.。

The scenery of the Dalongqiu Waterfall changes constantly with the season. During summer season, after thunderstorms, the waterfall looks like an angry white dragon, jumping down from the midair and then dashing towards the deep pool while sending out thunderous roars. During fine wintertime, it flows down gently and forms colorful rainbows under the sunshine. During spring season, it turns into mist and clouds after rushing down a few meters and then changes into masses of water, and then stretches into numerous streams like arrows and white snakes racing downwards, and finally turns into white and nattier mist again. 虎跑泉 Hupao Spring (Running -Tiger Spring) The Hupao Spring is located in the side yard of the Huichan Temple (commonly known as the Hupao Temple), which is at the foot of the Baihe Peak (White Crane Peak) of Daci Mountain, five kilometers from Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The Hupao Spring takes its name from a legend. According to the legend, an accomplished monk named Huanzhong came and lived here during the 14th year (819) of the Yuanhe reign in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Later, due to lack of water, the monk planned to leave the temple. One night, he had a dream in which an immortal told him two tigers would move a fountain here. As expected, the next day two mighty tigers from the Hengshan Mountain circled the spot。

and dug a hole which caused the spring to gush forth -- hence, the name Hupao Spring (Running - Tiger Spring). In reality, the Hupao Spring is formed by underground water seeping through veins and cracks within quartz sandstone. According to measurement, the rate of flow reaches 43.2 to 86.4 cubic meters per day. With pure and sweet water, the spring holds the first place among springs in the West Lake. The Hupao Spring and the Longjing (Dragon Well) Spring are reputed to be the third spring under heaven. Originally, the Hupao Spring had three wells, which formed two pools later. Next to the main pool, there is a stone bed placed in a stone niche. A sculpture of Monk Huanzhong is lying on his side, resting the head on his right arm in a serene manner. Two lifelike stone tigers stand to the right side of the stone niche, as if they are walking towards Huanzhong.。

塔的内部有六层是封闭的,塔始建于北宋开宝三年(970 年),六和塔木檐十三层,是南宋绍兴二十六年(1156 年)重建的,六和塔所在地原来是五代吴越国王的南果园,宣和三年(1121 年),清光绪二十六年(1900 年)重新修建,塔可分外墙、回廊、内墙和小室四个部分,回廊夹在中间,形成了内外两环,内环是塔心室,到乾道元年(1165 年)才全部竣工,七层与塔身的内部相通,六和塔塔身共九层,六和塔毁于兵火,Dragon Well tea in Running-Tiger Spring water Since ancient times, the Dragon-Well Tea and the Hupao Spring water have been known as the "two wonders of the West Lake." Through the ages, visitors who came to Hangzhou City all took the opportunity to sip and taste the Dragon-Well Tea with Hupao Spring water. Many poets wrote poems to praise the Hupao Spring. In recent years, the development of tea culture in Hangzhou City was promoted by the flourishing tourism. Nowadays, several teahouses have been restored or constructed along the scenic spots in the West Lake, such as the Hupao Spring, the Longjing Spring, Yu Spring (Jade Spring) and Wushan, attracting tea lovers both home and abroad. 杭州六和塔 六和塔坐落在浙江省杭州市钱塘江北岸的月轮峰上,建塔的目的是为了镇压钱塘江的江潮,塔的顶层装有明灯,依陆俯看钱塘,现在保存的砖筑塔身,是钱弘淑舍园所造,同时还建造了塔院,高五十多丈,巍峨突起,为夜晚航行的船只指路,历时十年,自外及里,外环是厚壁,楼梯置。

六和塔所有壶门的造型,甬道直通塔中心的小室,真实地描绘了六和塔和钱塘江的风光,甬道的两侧凿有壁龛,另外的四边凿有壁龛,六和塔中的须弥座上有二百多处砖雕,六和塔是杭州著名的风景点之一,并与塔的木檐相联结,内墙的四边也辟有门,内墙厚 4.20 米,也形成了甬道,所以历代有不少的文人墨客作诗咏叹,于回廊之间,里边就是回廊,与宋代成书的《营造法式》所载十分吻合,有诗云:“孤塔凌霄汉,相互间隔而成,因为墙厚达 4.12 米,就形成了一条甬道,故而每个门的门洞内,塔身的第七层和塔刹是元代重修的,又能领略钱塘江的风光,这些砖雕,墙身的四面开辟有门,壁龛的下部做成须弥座,壁龛的内部镶嵌有《四十二章经》的石刻,中心的小室原来是为了供奉佛像而设的,故而进门后,造型生动,有斗奇争妍的石榴、荷花、宝相,是中国古建筑史上珍贵的实物资料,外墙的外壁,在转角处装设有倚柱,穿甬道而过,为仿木建筑,制作讲究,线条流畅,圆润美观,是南宋时期典型的做法,砖雕的题材丰富,展翅飞翔的凤凰、孔雀、鹦鹉,奔腾跳跃的狮子、麒麟,还有昂首起舞的飞仙等等,游人到此,既可欣赏古塔的雄姿,天风面面来,江光秋练净,岚色晓屏开”,Pagoda of Six Harmonies Standing by the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, the Pagoda of Six Harmonies was first constructed in 970 during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) by Qian Hongchu, King of the Wuyue State, who ruled the area of today's Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces. The purpose of building the pagoda was to suppress the tidewaters. It had nine storeys and was some 150 meters high. At night lanterns were lit on the pagoda so that ships and boats on the Qiantang River could use it as a navigation tower.。

The pagoda suffered repeated damages over about a thousand years. It was almost completely destroyed by war in 1121. Reconstruction started in 1153 and was completed in 1163. The height of the pagoda was reduced after reconstruction because there were only seven storeys left of the original nine. Major repairs were made again in 1524 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and in 1735 and 1900 during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), but these repairs were on the outside eaves only. The brick body of the pagoda remained the same as in the Song Dynasty. Today some Song Dynasty inscriptions can still be found inside the pagoda. The extant pagoda is octagonal, with thirteen levels on the exterior but seven levels on the interior. It stands 59.89 meters high, and is one of the tallest pagodas in southern China. The pagoda can be divided into four parts from the exterior to the interior, namely, the outer wall, the zigzag corridor, the inside wall and the little chamber. The corridor in-between connects the exterior with the interior; the winding staircases, linking the corridor parts, lead to the top level. The exterior wall, with a thickness of 4.12 meters, has doors in the four sides. On the two side walls of the entrance connecting the exterior with the interior, there are engraved shrines. The four sides of the interior wall, with a thickness of 4.2 meters, also have doors. In the center of the pagoda is the little chamber which was originally used to place Buddhist Statues. Each storey has a square room, with ceiling supported by brackets. In the pagoda there are more than two hundred sites of brick carvings, which feature a wide range of motifs, including megranate, lotus, phoenix, peacock, parrot, lion, kylin and so on. These brick carvings are rare material proofs of Chinese ancient architectures. The Six Harmonies Pagoda, as a state-level cultural site, has been under the state protection since 1961. It is one of the famous scenic spots in Hangzhou City. Commanding a spectacular view of the surging Qiantang River, the pagoda presents a quiet image of age-old majesty. Looking out from the top of the pagoda, sightseers can see as far as the misty horizon, enjoying the unforgettable, breathtaking scenery.. 发送信件。

南浔历史文化悠久,南浔建镇已有 745 年历史,南浔就出了进士 41 名,南浔自古以来文化昌盛,市河以西的乌镇划归桐乡县,浙江乌镇(无英文导游词) 镇位于浙江省北部,南浔名胜古迹众多,乌镇不仅是浙江有名的水乡集镇,属嘉兴府桐乡县,据乌青镇志记载,乌镇原以市河(车溪)为界,从宋至清共出 41 名进士,存储文件 打印文件 字体:【 大 中小 】 浙江南浔 南浔位于浙江湖州市,乌程对过是桐乡,是浙江省历史文化名镇,属湖州府乌程县,”正是当时乌青二镇地势的形象写照,据〈江南园林志〉记载“以一镇之地,明,明万历至清代中叶为经济繁荣鼎盛时期,震泽)交界之地,春秋时此地为吴疆越界,东与江苏省交界,明代时就有“九里三阁老,著名的名胜古迹有嘉业藏书楼、刘镛的庄园小莲庄、张静江故居、张石铭旧居、百间楼和宋代古石桥等,乌镇经过整修建设,才统称乌镇,分为乌青二镇,仅宋,俗称两省(浙江,桐乡,既充满着浓郁的历史文化底蕴和灵气,苏州)、七县(乌程,又洋溢着江南水乡古镇诗画一般的神韵,以市河为界分为两镇,实为江南所仅见”,河东为青镇,江苏)、三府(嘉兴,距苏州市仅 51 公里,南宋嘉定年间,唐咸通年间始正式称镇,吴江,途中经过著名水镇同里,十里两尚书”之谚,清三代,清朝文人施曾锡所作《双溪竹枝词》:“苕溪清远秀溪长,京杭大运河西侧,地当水陆要冲,湖州,归安,崇德,秀水,河西为乌镇,带水盈盈汇野矿,两岸一桥相隔住,秦汉为乌程由拳分境,解放后,如今,而且成了国内外研究茅盾著作的专家学者向往的地方,可以预见,不久的将来,将更添秀色,地处杭嘉湖平原腹地,北面是太湖,乘中巴车 12 元,而拥有五园,且皆为巨构,与自然风光和谐融化,人才辈出,书香不绝,Nanxun。

这里小桥流水人家的小镇格局与江南诸多水乡名镇没有太大的差别,但面积之大和桥多、弄多、廊棚多的特色,Nanxun, situated in Huzhou City, is a famous historical and cultural town in Zhejiang Province. It is in the hinterland of the Hangjiahu Plain. It faces the Taihu Lake to the north, and borders on Jiangsu Province to the east. Nanxun is only 51 kilometers away from Suzhou. One will pass the famous Tongli Town from Nanxun to Suzhou. It is recorded by Records of Gardens South of the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River that Nanxun is the only town south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River with five large gardens in one town. Nanxun boasts numerous historic sites and enchanting natural landscapes, and has both historical and cultural details as well as poetic charm of watery regions south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Since ancient time, Nanxun has been a place with flourishing culture and has turned out many talents. During the Song (960-1279), Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, Nanxun turned out 41 successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations. With a history of 745 years, Nanxun has places of interests such as the Jiaye Book-Collecting Building, Liu Yong's Xiaolian Manor, Zhang Jingjiang's former residence, Zhangshiming's former residence, the Baijian Building and ancient stone bridges of the Song Dynasty. 西塘 地处杭嘉湖平原嘉善县北部的古镇西塘,构成了西塘与众不同的风格,地势平坦,水网交织,自然环境优美、恬静,难能可贵的是,这里没有其它旅游景点的嘈杂。

桥自然成了西塘引人入胜的景观,西塘有长短不一的弄堂 122 条,西塘是一个不足 2 平方公里的小镇,其中名气最大的就数石皮弄了,西塘有廊棚千余米,诉说着西塘人的淳朴和善良,石皮弄也因此得名,百米以上的有 5 条,蕴涵西塘建筑文化个性特色的廊棚,像一条带子紧紧地缠绕在小镇的河边,这条静谧幽长的小弄,石皮弄位于小镇西街王姓家族宅第种福堂西侧,石皮弄两侧高墙因年代久远,把小镇分割成 8 个板块,令人陶醉,最宽处 1 米,该弄路面由 166 块厚仅 3 公分的条石铺成,是小镇旅游最耀眼的一道风景,可见对岸粉墙高耸,墙面已显斑驳,原汁原味的小镇景观,西塘民居多建于明清两代,感受到西塘的古朴和丰厚的文化积淀,这 15 座桥,15 座风格各异的桥承担着把这块沃土连成一体的重任,有 9 条河流在此交汇,各家所建的廊棚也就连了起来,让走过它的人,犹如一条穿越历史的隧道,廊棚下的石板路因此成了既能挡风避雨又能遮阳的走廊,全长 68 米,弄堂作为市镇及民居建设的一个部分保存下来,最古老的要数清康熙年间动工兴建的卧龙桥,令游人在清静中倍感惬意,驻足廊檐下,最窄的地方仅 80 公分,和商气,它的形成源于沿河店家为方便水乡村民在傍河的街边停船购物,做农副产品交易而各自搭建的,因店与店相连,主要分布在朝南埭、北栅街一带,和自行车同行,别有一番情趣,临街人家澹泊的平民生活,桅篙林立,河上绿波荡漾,扁舟矣欠乃,桥影摇曳,似诗如画,要将花岗岩凿成如此之薄实非易事,Xitang Xitang is an ancient town in the north of Jiashan County. It has a peaceful and beautiful entironment, with flat terrain and netted rivers. It features huge area and a large number。

是中国佛教“中华五山”之一,是中国禅宗名刹“中华五刹”之一,阿育王寺在中国佛教史以及中日文化交流史上有着,始建于西晋武帝太康三年(公元 282 年),至今已有 1700 多年历史,of bridges, lanes, and ceilinged corridors. What's more, other than the noisy commercial places of interest, Xitang offers pure scenery of a little town, making the tourists feel quiet and cozy. Ceilinged corridors are the most special scene in Xitang construction. It was originally built to make convenience for the residents trading on boats by the side of the rivers. Each shop has a ceiling over the stone-plank road in front of its own house, and the ceilings connect with one another to form corridors, the longest of which is 1,300 meters, like a silk belt winding along the river. The ceilinged corridors are the main places at the Chaonanli and Beizhalan Street. Riding a bicycle along the ceilinged corridors, one will have a special sentiment. Standing under the ceilings, looking at the white walls at the other bank, looking at the masts and the green ripples, boats and the shadows of the bridges, one will revel in the beauty of the scenery. The residential buildings were mostly built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. There are a total of 122 lanes, long and short, wide and narrow. Five of them are longer than 100 meters. Among all the lanes, Shipi Lane is the most famous. It is situated at the west side of Zhongfu Hall in the West Street, with a total length of 68 meters. The lane is about 1 meter at the widest but the narrowest point is only 80 centimeters. It is paved with 166 stone planks which are only 3 centimeters thick, which is really hard to be chisel from the granite. That is why it is called Shipi (the skin of the stone) Lane. Walking through the long quiet lane with stained tall walls is just like traveling through the town's long history in a spatio-temporal tunnel. Xitang is a little town with an area of less than 2 sq. km. Nine rivers that run through the town divide it into eight parts, with 15 bridges of various shapes and structure connecting the parts, which becomes the enchanting sight attracting visitors far and near. Among the bridges, the oldest is the Sleeping Dragon Bridge built in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). 浙江阿育王寺(无英文) 阿育王寺,位于浙江省宁波市区以东 16 公里太白山麓华顶峰下。

有大佛殿、舍利殿等建筑 600 多间,天童寺为全国重点佛教寺院,阿育王寺为全国重点佛教寺院,它由山门、天王殿、大殿等建筑组成,在浙江省宁波市以东 25 公里的太白山麓坐落着中国佛教禅宗“中华五山”之二——天童禅寺,建筑面积 0.6 万余平方米,保国寺大殿在中国建筑史上具有很高的历史、艺术和科学价值,尤其是因寺内珍藏佛国珍宝“释迦牟尼真身舍利”而闻名中外,浙江天童禅寺(无英文) 天童禅寺位于浙江省宁波市区以东 25 公里的太白山麓,天童寺作为佛教胜地,塔内供奉镇寺之宝佛舍利,舍利塔安放在金碧辉煌的舍利殿内 7 级石塔之中,占地面积 1.3 万余平方米,阿育王寺规模宏大,这在同时代的佛殿建筑中极为罕见,占地面积 8万多平方米,占地面积 5.8 万平方米,寺内珍藏着一座名闻天下的佛祖舍利宝塔,舍利殿上挂有宋高宗御书“佛顶光明之塔”和宋孝宗御书“妙胜之殿”匾额,至今已有 1600多年历史,至今已有 970 多年历史,还是拥有 800 万教徒、33000余所寺庙的日本佛教主要流派曹洞宗的祖庭,是国内现存唯一以印度阿育王命名的千年古寺,寺内有清代顺治、康熙、雍正皇帝的御书碑刻等文物,寺内完整地保存有“大唐阿育王寺常住田碑”、宋代著名文学家苏轼撰的《宸奎阁记》碑和宋状元张久成撰书的“妙喜泉铭”碑等众多的文化古迹,尤其是舍利殿里的舍利塔,阿育王寺气宇宏大,省级文物保护单位,省级文物保护单位,天童寺座落在国家森林公园,大殿平面的主要特点是进深大于面阔,为佛教禅宗五山之第二,整个大殿的全部结构皆用斗拱之间的巧妙衔接和精确的榫卯技术,在中日文化交流史上有着重要地位,是中国江南幸存的最古老最完整的木结构建筑,其规模之大,不用一枚铁钉将建筑,有天王殿、法堂(藏经楼)、先觉堂、罗汉堂、钟楼、御书楼等20 多幢古建筑,集建筑、雕刻、园林、绘画、古迹名胜之大成,寺院傍山而筑,重要地位,原有 999 间,整个寺院掩映于茂林修竹间,浙江保国寺 保国寺位于浙江省宁波郊区灵山之麓,为国内罕见,现尚存 730 多间,建于西晋永康元年(公元 300 年),有十大景点点缀其间,结构古朴,深为国内外旅游者及佛教徒所向往,塔后有释迦牟尼卧像,不但是临济宗的重要门庭,距市区 15公里,号称“东南佛国”,在日本和东南亚久负盛名,殿堂巍峨,梯级布局,为历代兵火所毁,群山环抱,古木参天,呈纵长方形。

灰尘不上梁之奇,故被称为“无梁殿”,用天花板和藻井遮住了大殿的梁架,在大殿前槽天花板上,无梁殿除建筑风格独特外,下面不容易看到,还有虫不蛀,还巧妙地安排了三个与整体结构有机衔接的镂空藻井,物的各个构件牢固地结合在一起,承托起整个殿堂屋顶 50 余吨的重量,鸟不入,蜘蛛不结网,保国寺为全国重点文物保护单位,Baoguo Temple The Baoguo Temple lies in a valley of Lingshan Mountain in the suburb of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. The temple is built on a slope. Arranged along the central axis that extends northward are the Heavenly King Hall, the Main Hall, the Hall of Goddess of Mercy and the Sutra Attic, with the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower on the two wings and other buildings. It has the flavor of traditional Chinese architecture and shows a distinction between different structures. In front of the hall, there are springs and ponds, rippling all year round. Following the steps from the foot of the mountain, you can reach the Baoguo Temple. The Main Hall, built in the 6th year (1013) during the Dazhong Xiangfu reign of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), is three bays in width and depth, and is in the layout of a vertical rectangle to let more disciples express their homage. In the front, three sunk panels are ingeniously installed, demonstrating the fine and rare architectural techniques at that time. The sunk panels are at a low position, while the place for the statue of Buddha is high and spacious, forming striking contrast. This well sets off an atmosphere of solemnity and superiority of the Buddha. The Main Hall employs wooden square blocks inserted between the top of a column and a crossbeam in several places, along the outer eaves, on columns and crossbeams. The columns in the hall are made with ingenuity, that around a relatively small column, some long curved pieces of wood。

由于其藏书丰富,are wrapped to make the column in the shape of arris. In this way, it not only saves materials, but also makes the appearance look more gorgeous. The hall refrains from using flashy ornaments and focuses on its practicality. It can effectively reduce damages caused by earthquakes. With a history of more than 960 years, the temple is a rare example of wooden structure construction in the south area of the Yangtze River. The fact that it is perfectly preserved under the rainy and moist conditions shows forcefully its reasonable design and superb techniques. It serves as a significant evidence for the research on wooden-structure constructions in the early period of the Northern Song Dynasty. The temple is surrounded in secluded mountains and dense forests as well as picturesque scenery. 浙江宁波天一阁 浙江宁波的天一阁是我国现存的最古老的藏书楼,它毗邻风光秀美的月湖,距今已经有大约 430 余年的历史,古代珍品数量惊人所以具有“南国书城...。



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