
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-01-14 11:14


2、residents in 8.1878 million, including 6.591 million people in the urban population.Since ancient times the world wealth out of the southeast, and jinling for its, nanjing has a history of more than 6000 years of civilization, founded nearly 2600 years and capitals of nearly 500 years, is one of Chi。

7、白下、上元、集庆、应天、天京等40多次更改,建置演变频繁为国内罕见,其间既有过令人仰止的辉煌,也有过任人宰割的衰败,,Let us seeNanjing attractions,南京景点排行,南京旅游景点十大排行榜第1名中山陵 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第2名南京总统府 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第3名夫子庙 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第4名玄武湖 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第5名明孝陵 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第6名侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第7名夫子庙 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第8名栖霞山 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第9名雨花台 南京旅游景点十大排行榜第10名鸡鸣寺 南京旅游景点十大。


被誉为“中国近代建筑史上第一陵”,11、音乐台、光化亭等纪念性建筑,在型体组合、色彩运用、材料表现和细部处理上均取得极好的效果,众星捧月般环绕在陵墓周围,既有深刻的含意,又有宏伟的气势,,History and culture On March 12, 1925, sun yat-sen died in Beijing, sun yat-sens mausoleum since January 1926, to 1929 body build. On May 28, 1929, sun yat-sens coffin from beiping to nanjing, the capital. On。

13、. Around the main architecture of the sun yat-sens mausoleum, and a series of monumental architecture, such as for ease of sun yat-sens family shrine and after the tomb built above the wing MuLu, storage in the memorial and baoding manusoleum commemorative, station, flow emblem pavilions, back check。

15、音乐台、流徽榭、仰止亭、光华亭、行健亭、藏经楼等,,中山陵旅游资源,Scenic areas within the current parking garages around 2000, sun yat-sens mausoleum (donggou) parking 530 about 300 parking Spaces, parking Spaces, parking surrounding the Ming tomb soul valley temple parking lot 200 300 parking Spaces, parking Spaces, sports park W。

中山陵景区最大承载容量18万人,明孝陵景区最大承载容量12万人,灵谷寺景区最大承载容量10万人,南京总统府,Nanjing Presidential Residence Members tourists: now we will visit the famous tourist site in Nanjingthe Presidential Palace and understand its history. The Presidential Palace is located at,17、明孝陵周边停车场约300个车位、灵谷寺停车场200个车位、体育运动公园300个车位、卫桥紫金广场230个车位。

20、Dr Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as the Provisional President here. It successively became the Official Residence of the Jiangsu Military Governors, the Vice-Presidents Office and so forth in the following fifteen years. In 1927, the Nanjing Nationalist Government was established and here became the offi。

28、orth shore of Hirams hospital street. Is evolved by the cultural and educational center into a bustling downtown, people usually call the Confucius temple, the actual including Confucius temple, east and Hirams hospital main buildings,夫子庙已成为富有明清建筑风格的十里秦淮风光带上的一个重要景点,左右建筑对称,它以大成殿为中心,南北成一轴线,占地约26300平方米。

实际包括夫子庙、学宫和贡院主大建筑群,南京玄武湖(Xuanwu Lake Park),Xuanwu lake after ancient SangBo, has a history of more than one thousand five hundred years. The six dynasties for the royal garden, the Ming dynasty for the Yellow Book library, department of,人们通常所说的夫子庙,夫子庙位于市中心偏南,秦淮河北岸的贡院街旁,29、,现已列为市级文物保护单位,是由文教中心演变而成的繁华闹市。

中国最大的皇家园林湖泊,江南三大名湖之一,六朝时期为皇家园林,是江南最大的城内公园,当代仅存的江南皇家园林,玄武湖位于南京市城中,玄武湖方圆近五里,秀美的九华山,处处有山有水,终年景色如画,并种植荷花,粉红色荷花掩映其中,景色迷人,分作五洲(环洲、樱洲、菱洲、梁洲、翠洲),洲洲堤桥相通,湖内养鱼,满湖清香,系皇家禁地,清朝时期辟为公园,33、五百多年的历史,明朝时为黄册库,是紫金山脚下的国家级风景区,被誉为“金陵明珠”,巍峨的明城墙,古色古香的鸡鸣寺环抱在右,浑然一体,山异,夏秋两季,水面一片碧绿,,Xuanwu park scenic area including couples, the ar。

34、ctic pavilion, the jiuhua mountain park, TaiCheng, crow temple, etc., and no.159 longpan road, north of local region, including the white horse park. The overall structure of the scenic spot can be summed up as three lines, four, five continents. Three line to urban recreation line, natural culture。

风景区的整体结构可总结为“三线、四湖、五洲”,36、riority to with history and culture of Liang Zhou, mainly modern art culture ling chau and give priority to with ecological culture cui state,玄武湖景区包括情侣园、北极阁公园、九华山公园、台城、鸡鸣寺等,包括白马公园,“五洲”是以,“三线”为“都市游乐线”、“自然文化线”和“生活风尚线”,“四湖”分别为优雅高贵的“后湖”、活力繁盛的“北策湖”、浪漫幽静的“西邸湖”、休闲清新的“南渡湖”,并龙蟠路以北的局部地区。

37、水韵文化为主的环洲、以园苑文化为主的樱洲、以历史文化为主的“梁洲”、以现代艺术文化为主的“菱洲”和以生态文化为主的“翠洲,南京大屠杀纪念馆(The nanjing massacre memorial hall ),Memorial 3 Nanjing massacre, is located in Nanjing China Jiangdong Street No. 418. The museum is located, is compatriots Memorial Beijing massacre Jiangdong gate massacre sites and victims of t。

43、ity massacre of the monument to the victims of microcosm and focus on display, and large stone mother like, victims of the list of the wall, sin monument, trees, grass and other a lot of landscape, constitute the life and death, sorrow and anger as the theme to commemorate the cemetery of the misera。

是侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆京大屠杀江东门集体屠杀遗址和遇难者丛葬地,44、ble scene ,侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆3,该馆正大门左侧镌刻着邓小平手书的“侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆”馆名,广场陈列由悼念广场、祭奠广场、,纪念馆占地面积3万平方米,1 陈列分广场陈列、遗骨陈列、史料陈列三大部分,南京人民政府于1985年建成这座纪念馆,建筑面积5千平方米,全面展示“南京大屠杀”特大惨案的专史陈列馆,座落在中国南京江东门街418号,为悼念遇难者,是一处以史料、文物、建筑、雕塑、影视等综合手法,1995年又进行了扩建,该馆的所在地,建筑物采用灰白色大理石垒砌而成,气势恢宏,庄严肃穆。

上部刻南京大屠杀事件发生的时间的标志碑、“倒下的300000人”的抽象雕塑、“古城的灾难”大型组合雕塑及和平鸽等部分组成,祭奠广场有刻有馆名的纪念石壁、郁郁葱葱的松柏和用中英日三国文字镌刻的“遇难者300000”的石壁,45、墓地广场等3个外景陈列场所组成,墓地广场有鹅卵石、枯树和沿院断垣残壁上的三组大型灰色石刻浮雕及院内道路两旁的17块小型碑雕,还有大型石雕母亲像、遇难者名单墙、赎罪碑、绿树、草坪等诸多景观,这是全市各处集体屠杀所立遇难者纪念碑缩影和集中陈列,部分地记载着南京大屠杀的主要遗址、史实,构成了生与死、悲与愤为主题的纪念性墓地的凄惨景象,The past i,其中悼念广场内有外形如十字架。

46、s the prologue., history, and create the future.,前事不忘,后事之师,以史为鉴,开创未来,,南京雨花台(Yuhuatai martyrs cemetery),Flower terrace martyr cemetery 2 is located in nanjing, it is the Chinese door in nanjing, and about 60 meters, there is a high hill about 2 km wide. Hills scenery, pine lush. According to historic。

47、al records: the early years of the south beam, monk cloud light mage has set the altar here, because the content is very wonderful, moved by the Buddha, suddenly fallen petal is like heaven, hence the name flower terrace.Flower terrace martyr cemetery, is Chinas largest memorial cemetery. Martyrs ma。

48、rtyrdom statues and memorials and monuments are the main monuments, in 1988 was named the national key cultural relics protection units, in 2000 and was named the national 4 a level tourist area, national patriotism education demonstration base, in 2005 list of red tourism classic scenic spot in our。

成为2004年2010年全国红色旅游发展规划纲要的重要革命纪念遗址之一,2005年入选“全国红色旅游经典景区名录,先后有近120万革命先烈在此惨遭杀害,2000年又被评为国家首批4A级旅游区、全国爱国主义教育示范基地,1988年被评为全国重点文物保护单位,烈士就义群雕、纪念馆和纪念碑是主要纪念性建筑,为缅怀先烈英灵,51、性陵园,这里成为屠杀共产党人和革命志士的刑场,在国民党统治时期,新中国成立后,在雨花台上建造了这座占地面积达1.14平方千米的烈士陵园,In front of the flower terrace martyr monument, BeiMing and martyr memor。

53、49. Monument is consists of the, itself, stele base, like the red flag as the torch; Itself as positive engraved calligraphy of deng xiaoping flower terrace martyr monument eight gold-filled characters, with the peoples government of jiangsu province, nanjing peoples government to write on the back,。

55、额、碑身、碑座三部分构成,碑额似红旗如火炬,碑身正面镌刻邓小平手书的雨花台烈士纪念碑八个镏金大字,背面有江苏省人民政府、南京市人民政府撰写、著名书法家武中奇书写的碑文,碑座前立有一尊高5.5米、重约5吨以宁死不屈为主题的青铜圆雕,,南京鸡鸣寺(Jiming Temple),Crow temple, also known as the ancient temple, the chicken calls, is located in the city of nanjing xuanwu borough coop shandong foothill mountain on the mound, wa。

又称古鸡鸣寺,56、s built in the western jin dynasty, is one of the oldest buddhist temple in nanjing, the ancient times have in the first temple, first of south four hundred and eighty temple temple of reputation, is Chinas buddhist center in the southern dynasty,鸡鸣寺,位于南京市玄武区鸡笼山东麓山阜上,始建于西晋,是南京最古老的梵刹之一,自古有“南朝第。

“南朝四百八十寺”之首寺的美誉,是南朝时期中国的佛教中心,Southern liang, emperor wudi often go to temple to lecture, the audience of more than million, and with tai temple has four times to give a monk, take off the emperor dragon embroidered robe, wearing robes, live a monk in the temple, known as the emperor of the bodhi,57、一寺”。

58、sattva. Due to the respect of the emperor, with tai temple has such as the southern Buddhism center, tianzhu monk bodhidharma from India to health, in this. With tai temple and TaiCheng relative (miyagi) across the road, the entire temple built in accordance with the royal regulation, grand, magnifi。

59、cent, reached its zenith, worthy of the temple, four hundred and eighty in the brake,南朝梁,由于皇帝的尊崇,人称为“皇帝菩萨”,同泰寺俨然如当时南方之佛教中心,同泰寺与台城(宫城)隔路相对,并曾先后四次到同泰寺舍身为僧,脱下皇帝龙冠蟒袍,梁武帝经常到寺里讲经说法,无愧于“南朝四百八十寺”首刹之誉,南京博物馆( NanjingMuseum ),Nanjing museum is,听众逾万,穿上僧衣,在寺中过起僧人生活,天竺高僧菩提达摩从印度来建康时,就居于此,整个寺院依皇家规制而建,规模宏大,金碧辉煌,盛极一时。

60、 Chinas second largest museum, one of Chinas three largest museum, China created the earliest museum, is a large-scale comprehensive national museum, the national history museum of art, the national key comprehensive museum. Nanjing museum is located in the north of nanjing purple mountain foothill,。

是大型综合性的国家级博物馆、全国综合性历史艺术博物馆、国家重点博物馆,1 南京博物院坐落于南京市紫金山南麓、中山门内北侧,占地13万余平方米,2,In 1933 by Chinas modern democratic revolutionary, educators, and then the dean of the institute of national central Mr CAI yuanp,是中国第一座由国家投资兴建的大型综合类博物馆、国家一级博物馆、首批中央地方共建国家级博物馆、国家AAAA级旅游景区和全国重点文物保护单位,中国最早创建的博物馆,62、国第二大博物馆、中国三大博物馆之一。

63、ei completion initiative to create the kingdom of the main central museum in Shanghai. Mr CAI personally concurrently hold the position of the first, chairman of the council, scene in mid-levels park land 12.9 hectares, the original proposed humanity, technology, natural three pavilion, due to the c。

64、urrent political situation after relationship, only build humanities hall, namely, nanjing museum hall. The building is copy liao dynasty palace by su gin djih famous architects of the republic of China, the building great master liang sicheng modification.,1933年,由中国近代民主革命家、教育家,时任国立中央研究院院长的蔡元培先生倡议创建。

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