
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-01-08 10:04



在汉代开始在南方古丝绸之路”年前,在汉代开始在南方古丝绸之路”,早在云南是中华民族的发祥地,早在1700000年前,Yunnan is one of the cradles of the Chinese nation. As early as 1.7 million years ago. In the han dynasty began in southern ancient silk road' 云南是中华民族的发祥地。





First dayMorningTaxi to airportFlight : MF8481 from Fuzhou to LijiangDeparture:8:25Arrive:12:55乘车去机场航班:乘车去机场航班:MF8481 福州—丽江起飞:丽江起飞:8:25降落:12:55。

Taxi form airport to hotelCheek in从机场乘车去酒店登记。

云南独特的立体气候条件,? Yunnan special three-dimensional climate condition, a long history culture and many of the ethnic minorities, make the mysterious and rich tourist resources at home and abroad, become the famous tourist resort. Yunnan special three-dimensional climate condition, a long history culture and many of the ethnic minorities, make the mysterious and rich tourist resources at home and abroad, become the famous tourist resort. 云南独特的立体气候条件,悠久的历史文化和众多的少数民族,使神秘的旅游资源和丰富的国内外,悠久的历史文化和众多的少数民族,使神秘的旅游资源和丰富的国内外,成为著名的旅游胜地,成为著名的旅游胜地。

Lijiang( 丽江)Afternoon。

? Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the 'Roof of the World'.丽江是一个美丽的闪闪发光的宝石在云南西北高原周边的青藏高原的东南部,被认为是“世界屋脊”,丽江是一个美丽的闪闪发光的宝石在云南西北高原周边的青藏高原的东南部,被认为是“世界屋脊”。

Evening? Tea ceremony? 茶艺表演。

Second day morning Take bus to xishuangbanna。

西双版纳,Xishuangbanna, meaning 'ideal and magical land', here with mysterious tropical rain forest natural landscape and minority amorous feelings is famous in the world, The water-sprinkling festival every year in mid-april, held attracts many tourists at home and abroad to participate.Xishuangbanna, meaning 'ideal and magical land', here with mysterious tropical rain forest natural landscape and minority amorous feelings is famous in the world, The water-sprinkling festival every year in mid-april, held attracts many tourists at home and abroad to participate.西双版纳,意为“理想而神奇的土地”,泼水节在每年的四月中旬举行,吸引了众多的国内外游客参与,意为“理想而神奇的土地”,泼水节在每年的四月中旬举行,吸引了众多的国内外游客参与,因神秘的热带雨林自然景观和少数民族风情而闻名于世,因神秘的热带雨林自然景观和少数民族风情而闻名于世。

Afternoon参观西双版纳野生动物园Visit Xishuangbanna Wild Animal Park。

DaliLast day。

Dali is a city in Yunnan province in the south of China, located on a fertile plateau between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east.大理是云南省在中国的南部一城市,位于富饶的苍山高原的群山之间的西部和洱海湖以东,大理是云南省在中国的南部一城市,位于富饶的苍山高原的群山之间的西部和洱海湖以东。

崇圣寺三塔是大理市“文献名邦”的象征,崇圣寺三塔是大理市“文献名邦”的象征,也是中国南方最古老最雄伟的建筑之一,也是中国南方最古老最雄伟的建筑之一,1961 年3月国务院第一批公布为全国重点文物保护单位,月国务院第一批公布为全国重点文物保护单位,是云南省古代历史文化的象征,是云南省古代历史文化的象征,Three Pagodas Dali City, 'the' symbol of the state of the literature, is a symbol of ancient history and culture in Yunnan Province, China Southern is the oldest one of the most magnificent building. In March 1961, the State Council released the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.。

Taxi to airportFlight 8L9890 from Dali to FuzhouDeparture:19:35 Arrive:00:05all expense¥1850。

I wish the teacher happy holidays。


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