
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-04 11:32


Hometown of Mencius,Confucian Zoucheng.。

Hello everyone:。


[Zoucheng: Knows Policy, Long Ancient Rhyme]。

Zoucheng,this Confucian city,seeking common ground, warm and inclusive,multiculturalism can grow here,Xihuang temple complex for ancestor worship,elegant,simple and natural.Mount Yi, called as‘the wonder of south Dai’‘spirit of Zou Lu’,integration and symbiosis of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.‘Four mountains’ cliff carving Scripture in Northern Dynasty,it is called ‘the ancestor of writing,the master of calligraphy’,shining in the history of Chinese Calligraphy.Ancient trees, ancient monuments and ancient buildings in Meng Temple and Meng Residence,meet us in time.The Great Buddha of the Tang Dynasty in Mount Fenghuang,stillsmilingand compassionate.Shangjiushanancientvillage between green mountains and waters,telling endless homesickness...。

Zoucheng pregnant with beauty and the treasure, outstanding and beautiful.Three moves to choose neighbors,the virtuous mother of Mencius,Mencius, whose contribution was comparable to DaYu’s ruling and quality in the same league as Confucius and YanHui.。

Wei Xian, Wei Xuancheng, prime ministers of the Western Han Dynasty who use one scripture passed down,Kuang Heng, a scholar of economics who 'chisels the wall and steals the light',Wang Can, one of seven leaders during Jian’an period, Wang Shuhe, who wrote Mai Jing...They are all great sages cultivated by Zou Lu.Huang Tingjian, Wang Erjian and other sages in charge of Zou County,they can be seen in the history books by their achievements,or they are still popular because of the protection and promotion of Confucius and Mencius' heritage.Benevolence, honesty, diligence' official monument in Meng temple,reflects their concern for the country and the people.。

[Zoucheng, Carry Forward the Past, Open Up the Future]。

Zoucheng is a national historical and cultural city, China’s Excellent Tourism City,Top 100 counties and cities with comprehensive national strength.There are all kinds of industries here,strong economic foundation,convenient traffic,information flow and logistics flow,capital flow with the traffic network in all directions,gather and merge here,build a broad platform for investment and industrial development.。

Getting the spirit of mountains and rivers,admiring the brilliance of sages.In here,thick history and modern civilization complement each other,the fast pace of development and comfortable slow life coexist harmoniously. This city,has ancient and rhythmic fashion.It not only has elegant scenery,but also has delicious food.It has the courage of going forward,it also has the warmth of benevolence and love.。

Culture is like water,nourishes everything, millions of Zoucheng people are using their cultural confidence,the courage of innovation,making Zoucheng a cultural resort in the new era,civilization highland,let the ancient holy land have a brighter cultural landscape,more lasting cultural charm.Hometown of Mencius,Confucian Zoucheng welcome you! Hospitable Zoucheng people welcome you!。

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